Matt Barlow


Madly in anger with you
Apr 2, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
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Is it just me, or does Matt Barlow's voice remind anyone else of Paul Stanley? I mean, the first time I heard Iced Earth, the first thing I said to myself was "When did Kiss turn into a metal band?"

Not that I'm making fun of him, I absolutely love Iced Earth, and he's one of the big reasons I love them, but I always thought it was kinda funny. what do you think?
No I don't hear the similarity I'm glad to say. :)

Have you ever seen Iced Earth live? You should see Matt Barlow sing "Wolf" on stage - could be one of the best live renditions of a song I've seen.
I don't hear it all the time, but on certain songs it just hits me, especially on Horror Show.

And yes, I have seen Iced Earth live, but unfortunately I didn't see their whole set. I saw them with In Flames back in April, but at that point I had never really listened to them, so I couldn't really get into them, because I didn't know any of their songs really, combined with the fact that they were going on after my favorite band. I wound up leaving about an hour into their 2 hour set, because I had absolutely no energy left. But now, I absolutely love Iced Earth, and I kick myself every day for walking out on them:p

And I want to thank everyone for responding to this intelligently, and not giving any "No, you're fucking stupid." replies. That always pisses me off:)
Originally posted by plfffffft

And yes, I have seen Iced Earth live.....I wound up leaving about an hour into their 2 hour set, because I had absolutely no energy left. But now, I absolutely love Iced Earth, and I kick myself every day for walking out on them:p

Duuuuude - you missed the Something Wicked trilogy. That's always their highlight, even if you have no energy, you gotta grav a beer at the bar or something.

By the way, Horror Show is the worst IE album with Matt Barlow IMO. If you're getting into IE now, make sure you have Dark Saga and SWTWC.
Yeah that sig should win a UM award - it makes me laugh everytime. :lol:

Re: Horror Show - an album is generally only good/great/fantastic when most of the songs on it have some appeal. Most of Horror Show was disasterous. Not because of the talent - the songs were simply.....boring.
Originally posted by JayKeeley
Yeah that sig should win a UM award - it makes me laugh everytime. :lol:

Yeah. My friend told me about a local Philly band that completely rewrote Number of the Beast into Neighbour of the Beast and used to perform it when they played shows. Of course this was Waaaay back in the 80's, so that's the only lyric he could remember. but I'm gonna try and rewrite them myself, and play it when I'm actually in a band.:p

I wonder what Bruce Dickinson would think of it?:D