Matt -- help!

Follower of Jesus

New Metal Member
Dec 4, 2004
I've lost the Christmas medley you did a couple years ago. Any chance you could either repost it on the site or email it to me?

If you can email it, would you send it to me at this address? I loved that medley and when my computer crashed, I apparently lost it. :cry:
The medley was our present 2 years ago, and the little drummer boy was last years. I cant wait for this years (No pressure).
Woohoo! Thank you so much for posting that! I'm downloading it now. By the way, is that preview track real? if so, it seems pretty cheesey compared to the self titled in my opinion. It's kinda scaring me to be honest. Is it a joke? I'm almost sure (and sincerely hope) it is.
EDIT: Haha, I'm stupid, I just noticed when it was put up. Seriously, that freaked me out, I thought you were serious somehow.
Jag Panzer posted some traditional Christmas songs on their website last year as well. It surprised me, but they did! I'm not sure what their beliefs are or anything, but I never would have guessed that. Anyway, the music was really soft and melodic. You'd expect to hear nothing but pure aggression from them, but the songs were very nicley done.