Matt Moliti.. do you know Matt Konfirst?


Jan 11, 2006
Both being Berklee grads, curious if you know each other. I'm a fan of Konfirst's works both with Andrew Bordoni and his solo albums. Really seems that Berklee releases some high quality musicians (more than the often mentioned Dream Theatre).

[edited to remove something that was incorrect]
Curufin said:
Pfft, Matt is no Berklee graduate. He's just a no-talent hack!

He's right! I only attended 2 semesters and withrdrew from my classes before the end of the 2nd :)

Not familiar with Konfirst. Some of the guitarists I knew while I was at Berklee were Max Dible, Mikko Kosonen, Adam Ross, and Scott Abramson. All those guys are monsters and aside from Max (who I still keep in touch with) I have no idea what any of them are doing right now.