Matt(Portland) Get in Here

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
OK, so I'm planning a move to Portland in 2011 after grad school. What neighborhoods would I be needing to research for potential housing purposes?
Keep in mind I am not rich. I'm also not poor. I'm definitely not a hipster (does that rule me out of living in Oregon?) and I'd prefer to live where others are in the same age group (mid-30s). Everyone in the neighborhood should also be really attractive (not required). Help a toothless Southerner out!

Also, someone clue me into what threads to read (I'm too busy/lazy to look).

Also, this forum sucks.

Also, has Neurotica posted nude pics of herself yet?

That is all.
I asked him the same thing some time ago (and unfortunately I have yet to be able to move up there). He gave me a pretty good outline of the city. I cannot find the PM due to poor browsing on this iShit.

Whatever, I'm sure he'll reply so please ignore this post
OK, so I'm planning a move to Portland in 2011 after grad school. What neighborhoods would I be needing to research for potential housing purposes?
Keep in mind I am not rich. I'm also not poor. I'm definitely not a hipster (does that rule me out of living in Oregon?) and I'd prefer to live where others are in the same age group (mid-30s). Everyone in the neighborhood should also be really attractive (not required). Help a toothless Southerner out!

Also, someone clue me into what threads to read (I'm too busy/lazy to look).

Also, this forum sucks.

Also, has Neurotica posted nude pics of herself yet?

That is all.

good post

i would recommend, if you want to actually live in portland and not in the burbs, focusing on the southeast or southwest quarters. a lot of quiet, very family-friendly neighborhoods are in se...sellwood, eastmoreland, woodstock, etc...and are close to/actually around interesting shit to do (not that you do anything interesting). southwest is, in my opinion as a young person, boring and isolated from everything i like to do (having a life), but since you're living it up fogey-style (having no life) it's surely more attractive to you than it is to me. a lot of really nice probably quite expensive houses up in the hills on the west side but also more reasonably priced neighborhoods not all that far from downtown...i know very little of property values but probably a little bit of a step up price-wise from southeast in general and also a geographical step toward suburbialand. northwest is pretty much yuppieville but there's a lot of nice perfectly manicured ticky-tacky houses where you can park your volvo while you take your kids for a jog to get a latte in your gore-tex. note: requires cash money. north and northeast, not necessarily gonna be your bag but do note that portland is the least "hard" city ever, if you want to call it a city and not a giant town, which it is.

i gotta poop now but i hope that helps.
hhahahah great post, Matt. Thanks for the info and the laughs. I will do some more research with this stuff in mind.

@Aurel: I was doing job searches and, for whatever reason, looked up Portland and found some mega-high paying jobs. I assume that's because Portland is mega-expensive to live in but whatever. I've always wanted to live in the West and never wanted to live here in Nasville but something has always come up, wife complaining about losing her friends, children being born, you know, stupid shit like that. :p
OK, so I'm planning a move to Portland in 2011 after grad school. What neighborhoods would I be needing to research for potential housing purposes?
Keep in mind I am not rich. I'm also not poor. I'm definitely not a hipster (does that rule me out of living in Oregon?) and I'd prefer to live where others are in the same age group (mid-30s). Everyone in the neighborhood should also be really attractive (not required). Help a toothless Southerner out!

Also, someone clue me into what threads to read (I'm too busy/lazy to look).

Also, this forum sucks.

Also, has Neurotica posted nude pics of herself yet?

That is all.

The house next door to Agalloch's rehearsal space in SE is for sale. Move there...we'll promise to play well into the night... :)

Actually I'm considering moving AWAY from Portland in 2011 or 2012. I live in SW in a quiet, forested neighborhood. Buy my house.

@Haughm: how many bedrooms?

@Jerry: I like beer, metal, and trees. I'll pick you up in the chopper.
@Haughm: how many bedrooms?

3 bed, 2 bath, wood floors, huge yard. It is also not visible via Google maps which is also a plus. Total privacy amid trees.

It is an expensive as hell neighborhood though as it is right on the border of Lake Oswego. Probably not what you are looking for. No attractive people either. Mostly retired old people...which is why I like it. They don't bother me, I don't bother them.

I also might not leave in a couple years. I haven't decided totally. It kind of depends on the market, timing, what the band is doing etc...

3 bed, 2 bath, wood floors, huge yard. It is also not visible via Google maps which is also a plus. Total privacy amid trees.

It is an expensive as hell neighborhood though as it is right on the border of Lake Oswego. Probably not what you are looking for. No attractive people either. Mostly retired old people...which is why I like it. They don't bother me, I don't bother them.

I also might not leave in a couple years. I haven't decided totally. It kind of depends on the market, timing, what the band is doing etc...

Sounds excellent. Except for the "expensive as hell" part. :erk:
It'll be a couple years from now at the earliest but I'll keep in touch.

Good luck with your plans
lol @ me moving to Portland in 2011


I wonder if Haughm ever moved

Matt....since your ass is back lemme ask you about Vancouver, Washington. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in another thread but it was during your hiatus and/or you ignored me. Anyway....whatcha think? I'm also looking at Bellingham which is a considerable distance from Portland but whatever
lol @ dorian moving
Matt....since your ass is back lemme ask you about Vancouver, Washington. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in another thread but it was during your hiatus and/or you ignored me. Anyway....whatcha think? I'm also looking at Bellingham which is a considerable distance from Portland but whatever
vancouver wa ain't bad for a family man like yourself i suppose. i mean, nobody in portland goes to vancouver for any reason really but people in vancouver come here for work/everything else. would the lack of sales tax in OR make a difference on home prices?

dude bellingham might as well be canada, that shit is hours north of seattle. hours. i drove there once and i had no idea there was that much america left north of seattle. goddamn hinterlands.

i don't even know why i'm bothering to answer, we both know if you move it's gonna be to a retirement home. zing!
lol @ dorian moving

vancouver wa ain't bad for a family man like yourself i suppose. i mean, nobody in portland goes to vancouver for any reason really but people in vancouver come here for work/everything else. would the lack of sales tax in OR make a difference on home prices?

dude bellingham might as well be canada, that shit is hours north of seattle. hours. i drove there once and i had no idea there was that much america left north of seattle. goddamn hinterlands.

i don't even know why i'm bothering to answer, we both know if you move it's gonna be to a retirement home. zing!

haha sheeeeiiit the only reason we didn't move is I decided to finish out my masters here. Otherwise, I'd be banging your girlfriend right now (to use the parlance of our times)

j/k thanks for the info. lol @ your Bellingham story

I don't know about tax on home sales. Portland seems to be alot more expensive than Vancouver.