Mattias midsummer activities


Nov 7, 2002
Malmo, Sweden
Just heard from an unknown source that "Mattias Marklund är en jävel på kubb" ....
No comments.

And no, I wont reveal my source :p

And yes, I'm drunk as usual...

And no, I don't know why I started a thread about this anyway...
Draugen said:
Just heard from an unknown source that "Mattias Marklund är en jävel på kubb" ....
No comments.

And no, I wont reveal my source :p

And yes, I'm drunk as usual...

And no, I don't know why I started a thread about this anyway...

hehehe..Mattias is an Ace!! I personally watched it from the veranda with a cold beer in my hand...

mr V
Speaking of kubb.. just won two rounds of it at a BBQ party this very evening. Knocked the king with the last stick in the first game and saved the day in the other one (kubb-behind-the-king-throw)! :D
Hehe... Having a gambling problem over kubb would certainly be interesting. Kubb is an old game originating from the vikings, which involves pieces of wood that are thrown about. Ehm. I guess I could explain it further, but I'm a lazy bum.
Djöfull said:
Ehm.. I think it means Herr MArklund has a gambling problem:err:
Now this would really be something!!! Certainly THE game to have a gambling problem. :D
But I think I might have a friend who really has gambling problems when it comes to kubb (what's the international name for this game anyway?) - he simply cannot stop playing - always the same thing every damn summer!
Anyone else has problems with the game? (other than not being able to anything at all)