Maudlin of the Well dissing Opeth

Nov 20, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey, read the interview on the front page of UM.

The band skip from aggression to submission, relaxed acoustics with singing to caustic growling and guitars, and time signature to time signature seamlessly. With these changes, how does Toby ensure all his ideas clearly stem from a single creative source? "Well it’s not like we write music in parts and glue them together like some other bands seem to (cough Opeth cough)" comes the (controversial) retort.

Heh..... it's Maudlin of the Well, so I don't really have much to say... Maudlin..... dissing Opeth...... *smirk*
Sigh, we just had this thread.

motW = awesome.
Opeth = awesome.

I see where Toby is coming from.

In conclusion, fanboys suck.
I've never heard MOTW so I don't want to comment on their music. The guy's comment does smack of jealousy though. Maybe Opeth DO cut and paste all their songs together - the songs are still fucking great though aren't they, so who cares how they made them? It's not like Metallicas new album "St Bob" where they just use two riffs per song and cut and paste an 8 minute song out of them.
Opeth rule - yeah I'm a fanboy, who gives a shit!?
motw are really not a great band. they think just because they try to incorporate different styles of music in their sound theyre god's gift to music. in fact, they're nothing special at all.
Devy_Metal said:
motw are really not a great band. they think just because they try to incorporate different styles of music in their sound theyre god's gift to music. in fact, they're nothing special at all.

While i do think they are slightly full of themselves, they are GREAT musicians. (technically, and for songwriting ability)
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I've never heard MOTW so I don't want to comment on their music. The guy's comment does smack of jealousy though. Maybe Opeth DO cut and paste all their songs together - the songs are still fucking great though aren't they, so who cares how they made them? It's not like Metallicas new album "St Bob" where they just use two riffs per song and cut and paste an 8 minute song out of them.
Opeth rule - yeah I'm a fanboy, who gives a shit!?
Hah, thats the first actually funny parody of St Anger i've heard yet :D
I've always felt motW cut/pastes their music together just because it's so damned weird. They're probably the only band that's truly progressive, no one sounds like them.
Quite frankly Maudlin of the Well do not have anything to back up. On record, they are disjointed, unfocused and sound cheap. Live, even worse. Truly, for a band that is comprised musically of many different parts to be dissing Opeth is clearly jealousy, or worse arrogance. Boo!
I think Opeth's transitions are much more effective than motW's. Whether they're fluid or not, they never seems forced unlike some of motW's.

Oh well, with three albums under they're belt (only 2 of any worth), I guess they still have time to progress. That is, if this Kayo Dot crap doesn't finish them.
Example of Opeth cut and paste:

Black Rose Immortal at 4:04. The song just stops dead like it's over, and then some totally unrelated acoustic bit comes in after some silence. Seriously, if you didn't know it was one song, you'd probably think you were listening to a new song.

After the first two albums though, I think Opeth's songs really started to flow for the most part. Still, Toby's comment is not without merit.
Are we still in kindergarten here? You can't just assume jealousy when somebody doesn't like your favorite band.
Anyway, I think maudlin of the Well are absolutely awesome, and I can see where they are coming from.