Maudlin of the Well Forum

Maudlin of the Well forum?

  • Yes, Maudlin Forum very good idea

    Votes: 25 61.0%
  • No, They suck (think about this one please;))

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • MAudlin of the who??

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • I like to sleep

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
I think a forum would be cool. In fact, there has been some rumblings recently on the MOTW mailing list about wanting a message board as opposed to mailinglist format.
I've put a lot of time into deciphering the "clues" and I'm not done yet, so if you figure shit out, email me or something :)

They've said that the "secret song" (lyrics especially) is the "clue" to unlocking the double album (Bath/LYBM). I've figured out that some of it has to do with the can trace some of the kabbalic spheres to certain songs and certain mentions in the songs and whatnot...I puzzled out a little bit more, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone. I think some of the part I haven't figured out has to do with numerology and counting lines, but I'm not certain. And I believe "Birth Pains of Astral Projection" is somehow involved.
Right. And THAT line plays into the cover of Bath (the four signs with a different planet/moon on each sign). I think the sephiroths or qliphoths on the Tree of Life relate to planets, perhaps...and/or possibly four songs from the albums each relate to certain sephiroths.

Also, I think in kabbalic tradition, the ORDER in which you traverse from sephiroths is important...

Bleh, feh, I don't know enough about the kabballah. I wish I had an old rabbi around to bring this to.

It's too bad the secret song was only on the 'net, because I think it's an excellent song. But you can't tape the key to the back of the padlock, now, can you, I guess? :)
Feh, now I'm thinking about this puzzle at work. Here:

The lyrics to "secret song" say "Binah Geburah Hod Yesod".

All are sephiroths:

Binah -> Understanding
Geburah -> Severity
Hod -> Splendor/Victory
Yesod -> Foundation

Somehow, that traces a path or story, I think, but I need to look up the paths in between each sephiroth to get more information.

And wtf is "a magical language"? Hebrew? Enochian?

Isn't there an Israeli metal scene? Maybe those kids could help :P.
Tree of life:
The Quellipot:

Im finding out more than what I wished for, like that there’s one sefira that’s positioned between Geburah-Chesed and Binah-Chokmah… but it’s not a sefira…Da'ath is knowledge… crazy Qabbala.

I still don’t have a clue about what Oraios ,Topio, Petra and Ypnos…

Mmm, since the Sefiras are going down can they end in Malkuth - Resplendent Intelligence? Malkuth is the foundation of the tree in spite of being its last number.

What’s the dammed “magical language”? It would help a lot if I knew what am I looking for!!

Ps: I think I found something that can help with the magical language, I think it’s Hebrew:

3 5 8 9

Gimel Heh Cheth Teth

Camel or carrier Window Field or fence Serpent (with Malkuth it would end in Open Hand)

… I don’t know, a forum with more members would help ;)
I figured out Oraios/Topio/Petra/Ypnos thing a couple months back...if you look at the Greek translations for the words, you can connect them back to Bath and Leaving Your Body Map like so:

Fucking CLEVER, eh? The last one I figured out was Topio. "'Landscape'? Wtf is that...OH!"

That webpage has kind of been my worksheet as I puzzle out more and more, by the way...

Yes, a message board would help. :)
Well, I each of the four Greek words connects to a song from Bath/LYBM...two from each album. Oraios (beauty) = They Aren't All Beautiful, Topos (Landscape) = Geography, etc. SOMEHOW I know all that connects to the puzzle but I don't know exactly how.

Maybe the positioning of the tracks is part of it--I remember wondering why "Riseth He, the Numberless" was split into two tracks and eventually discovering that it was done in order to emphasize the albums' symmetry and enhance the puzzle. But I'm clueless as to what this, practically, means.