Mayan - Quarterpast


Mar 18, 2002
I haven't seen a thread about this new disc yet, and was wondering if anyone picked it up yet. I'm really liking it, maybe not as much as I was hoping for - but it really good stuff. If anyone isn't familiar with Mayan, it is a side project(?) of Mark Jansen of Epica. It is labeled as "Symphonic Death Metal Opera" and I think it is a pretty good description. Mark handles the gruff vocals and has contributions from Henning Basse, Simone Simons, Floor Jansen, and Laura Macri for clean vocals. His band consists of members of Epica, Delain, Obscura, God Dethroned, and After Forever.


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I love it . It reminds me a lot of Epica only reversed. By that I mean there are more death vocals than there are clean vocals. Its a really solid disc and I for one would like to see them at Progpower one year.
It's a very strong album. I've been waiting to hear Mark do something heavier for a long time. Glad to see he really made it good.