Maybe Diabolik is right in not wanting kids....


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Well, while you guys probably all had rockin' weekends that involved drinking, partying, rocking out, and seeing DECENT movies........

I saw.......UNDERDOG!

All I can say is, thank god the theater had free refills on popcorn and soda. Gave me good reason to get up multiple times during the movie.
Well, while you guys probably all had rockin' weekends that involved drinking, partying, rocking out, and seeing DECENT movies........

I saw.......UNDERDOG!

All I can say is, thank god the theater had free refills on popcorn and soda. Gave me good reason to get up multiple times during the movie.

was it that bad.....I thought it would actually be pretty funny, talking dogs always crack me up.

I am just glad that HotRod flopped. What a pile of crap that looked like, why doesnt anything SNL related just go away.
All the kids in the theater LOVED it.
They were cracking up the whole time.

The cast was terrible though.
Jim Belushi and a bunch of no-namers.

I didn't even realize until the credits that Jason Lee was the voice of Underdog.
Because while I like kids, I don't want them around 24/7. I don't care how rewarding it is for those of you that have children, I'm happy being child-free.

If I lose my mind and decide I want children, I'll adopt, because the idea of pregnancy does not appeal to me in the least.
It's all good.
You don't need to justify your reasoning for not wanting kids, I was just curious.

I certainly can't blame you for not wanting to go through pregnancy.

Dudes have it easy in that regards fo' shizzle!
Heh, yeah, if I were a guy I'd probably be more receptive to wanting children.

But as it is...I'm just happy to play with babies and kids and give them back when they poop, or barf, or start to throw a fit. :D

Al and I are taking my cousin and his little sister to the State Fair this weekend. Two 8 year olds at a fair...Oy! :p
I subscribe to the 'Rent A Kid' philosophy. Grab someone elses kid, go grab a ball and glove, play catch, go grab some food and watch him/her slob it all over their face, go to a stupid, immature movie that wouldn't even be worthwile to you when you were his/her age, and finally at the end of the day, drop the fucker off at his/her parents and say, "seeya!"

That's my stance on kids.
I'm sorry you had to sit through that Jason. I knew it was gonna be horrible! They should have made it a cartoon, seriously. I dug flicks like "Aladdin" and "Shrek"...which had more adult humor than I ever expected.

On the subject of kids: To each their own. It is just as much of a right to say that you want them as much as it is to say that you don't. It's not for me, personally, but I do hold the same stance as OrbWeaver. If I ever change my mind one of these days, I'd adopt. We have so many kids on this planet already that don't have a loving home or the opportunity to make something positive of themselves.
I think that all the homeless kids and orphans should be used to harvest organs for people who need them. Those kids will just end up in a life of crime and live the rest of thier life in prison like most orphans and homeless kids.
Hey, I said it before.
People are entitled to their own opinions.
It doesn't bother me personally.
Just stating that I agree with Dan that your comment was low.

Well, back on topic, did anyone else see Underdog? :lol:
I don't want kids and I think that comment was pretty low, too. :\ It's not a matter of conservativism, it's a matter of knowing where the lines are. And if I do say so myself, the lines here at this forum are MUCH more lenient than any other forum I post at. So it seems to me that if a comment is low for the Powerfest forums, then it must be rather extreme indeed.

Back on topic:
I have to ask, was Underdog really -that- bad? I never much liked the cartoon, but I thought the movie looked cute.