Maybe my best mix ever!


Oct 26, 2009
Hey dudes. This is a new mix I've come up with. I'm using some new techniques that I REALLY hope work out essentially. The song is heavy as fuck.

Drums are slate shells, and superior cymbals/OHs.

The guitars are something I'm quite proud of! I had the guitarist re record his parts with my Carvin DC747, with BareKnuckle Painkiller puckups installed. They sounds fucking sweeettt. I want you to guess what the amp set up is though. =) It's a lot different that what I typically do as far as ampage goes. I was going for an extremely 'barky' unique tone for guitars. Kind of like chewing on soft bones.

Bass is my typical set up.. DI-->Studio Devil-->Guitar rig. Then the DI track is also sent to two other tracks where I do a heavy low pass in each. Both of those tracks are targeting seprate sub level frequencies. Guitar rig has all of the lows cut out and only used for the grit tone.

One thing I do need help with is snare processing with slate. Something just isn't clicking for me with those snares. Obviously they're amazing alone, but I'm trying to do some comp/eq with them, and I can't seem to get what I'm looking for, so any suggestions on that would help.


P.S. sorry for the sudden cut off towards the end. I forgot to fade it out for the clip.. Oh well! =)
I dig it. Like the chewyness on the guitars. Kinda fond of that Painkiller pickup from what I've heard of it in the past. Sounds like a better version of the 81 to me.

It's all a little on the muddy side, and could use a little more EQ shaping to clean up, as well as some more creativity in making those Slates sound a little less generic. It's vibing the right way though, which is always great.
I dig it. Like the chewyness on the guitars. Kinda fond of that Painkiller pickup from what I've heard of it in the past. Sounds like a better version of the 81 to me.

It's all a little on the muddy side, and could use a little more EQ shaping to clean up, as well as some more creativity in making those Slates sound a little less generic. It's vibing the right way though, which is always great.

Thank you much! In all honesty, I'm not too good with the slate stuff.. The snare specifically. Do most people do a lot of processing with it or, do they typically just keep it the way it is? It's a bit discouraging having the drums, and hearing other peoples SSD tones.. =/ Never had that problem with superior.
Not psyched on the gtrs in iPod headphones. Interested to hear it on monitors tomorrow morning. It's almost all they're giving me is that high mid spike in the gtrs.
The Slate stuff is already heavily processed. To do much more is self-defeating. The way to get more unique tones from them is to blend. Don't use one kick or snare, try to get 3 or more involved. Take from each characteristics that you desire and go from there.

Or better yet, use Superior as your basis, and blend Slate with it. Tis how I've gotten some of my more favorable drum sounds.
The Slate stuff is already heavily processed. To do much more is self-defeating. The way to get more unique tones from them is to blend. Don't use one kick or snare, try to get 3 or more involved. Take from each characteristics that you desire and go from there.

Or better yet, use Superior as your basis, and blend Slate with it. Tis how I've gotten some of my more favorable drum sounds.

Excellent! Thanks. I feel dumb, not realizing that you can load more than one snare into kontakt. :lol::danceboy:
Not psyched on the gtrs in iPod headphones. Interested to hear it on monitors tomorrow morning. It's almost all they're giving me is that high mid spike in the gtrs.

This was one of the hardest guitarists to record/mix for me, since his right hand is fucking insane. It's quite dynamic and varrys so much so it's hard to capture ONE specific tone and stick with it. =/
I love how you describe it as 'chewing on soft bones'! Ha, it's exactly like that. I'm sitting here, replaying this and geeking out over this synesthesia you planted in my head.

Extremely interesting tone, but I think the drums should sound more organic and find a way to blend in more. They click too much and lend a plastic quality to the song. But yeah, that balance is always a struggle.
this is a fun tune.
I like what you're doing here.

I always fight with my snare sound. but yours sounds pretty good!

I'd love to hear it all done!

Thank you very much! I guess my ears were a bit blown out yesterday to the point where I thought all I could hear coming out of the snare was this nasty high mid transient haha. Tracking vox quite soon, then the tune will be done tracked!
i like the mix getting a impulse vibe from the guitar tone ,i could be wrong......would like to hear details for the guitars ...overall good job!
Thanks very much everybody. Okay here's the guitar chain, I can't resist any more.


THEN I reamped with this chain:

DI-->SoloC, for boost--->Profire--->5150, miced with a single 57

The soloc pumped the FUCK out of the tone, which I really love. So, got a digital booster with a real amp heheh
Man, those are some pissed off riffs! I love it! mix is pretty good too, like ermz said, it needs a little tidying in the lows/low mids, but it still sounds killah.
That's fucking brilliant! I've never even thought about using a software amp as a boost. Totally trying this next time I reamp something!

The opposite, put an amp/cab sim on top of the mic'd signal also sounds pretty damn cool.