Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao

just my opinion, but I also think Ordo Ad Chao is one of the best black metal albums in years... Complain about the lo-fi production all you want, all that shows is that Mayhem didn't make the album for your spoiled eardrums you faggots... they could have had pristine production if they wanted, even brought in a classical symphony or something gay like that, but they wanted to go DIRTY and DARK and BLACK FUCKING METAL and that's what the new album is.

like it or not, Mayhem are still going strong, and Ordo Ad Chao is their answer to all the glossy, tame, melodramatic metal music of today... HAIL HELLHAMMER
Personally I enjoyed this album. I liked the production, reminded me of albums from the early to mid 90's. The atmosphere was excellent, very dark. But I disagree with it as the album of the year, but defently in top 5! GOOD FUCKING SHOW MAYHEM!
One of the best black metal albums of the year easily, certainly better than anything they did with Maniac (with the possible exception of Wolf's Lair Abyss). It's an album that really makes you work, not catchy in any way and the production makes it difficult, but the rewards are great!
Ordo Ad Chao is a very solid and true album, one of Mayhem's best pieces. As it's been already said, it's full of atmosphere, very muddy, bleak and dark which is aided by the choice of recording quality.
I've noticed alot of people complain about the drum work, and for those who don't like it they can actually blame Blasphemer since he wrote all the music for this album. I personally really enjoy the chaotic yet oddly structured style, it's probably one of the biggest focal points when I listen to it.

Point being, it's a fucking perfect black metal release.
No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!

This is one of the best BM albums in a LONG time. This is a black and evil as any band has sounded since the second wave of BM started.

Listen to this for atmosphere and you'll find a TON of it. That's what BM is all about anyway. The music is also original and totally unique for this band.

This is probably going to be album of the year for me and anybody else with good taste.

Usually your reviews are right on, but I'm going to have to disagree thoroughly this time.

True the throngs of blackmetal fans are getting tired and worn by all the horrid releases from the black metal scene... but THIS album? I totally agree with the Nachtmystium comparison and am Very disappointed that this album (OAC) seemed to have almost nothing to offer other than a new approach to the mixing and equalization. They seem to have a strong struggle with the attempt at uniquity with the last few albums, but it's still strongly reminding me of everything i've already heard: a sad "Cleopatra Records" version of black metal. Like they're treading water that has already been pissed in... Some of the releases of Dungeons deep and even Alchemic Sound Museum are seeming to be the only hope for those craving that "raw atmosphere-laden" yet "heralding a new age" focus.
BUT.... to each his/her own i suppose
I only heard Ordo Ad Chaos once before it got stolen from me.And, I never listen to Chimera or Grand Declaration of War.In my opinion Dead and Attila were the best vocalists Mayhem has.Maniac was too shrilly.It was no De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.Or even Dawn of the Black Hearts which sounded it was recorded thru a dixie cup but neverless captured the energy level of Mayhem live shows with Dead.Hellhammer's drumming was excellent of Dimmu Borgir's Cd.I probably expected too much.:OMG::Smokin:
This album is great compared to alot of the shit coming from this genre for the last couple of years.I mean its not all that but ive listened quite a few times and enjoyed it every single time.