
I like how he says "Know what I mean" like 4 times after his "fuck yous".

And his outstreached arms near the end....proving his um...."fuck yous".

Oh and how he says "Mayhem Rules!"

immediately reminds me of like fox kids or nickeloadeon something.
nicely researched? i wouldn't call myself a mayhem/black metal scholar, but in that clip the unreserved claim that "all of the band members" (or something to that effect) ate pieces of dead's skull is rather sensationalist and speculative. what i heard was that one of the guys ate some skull/made a skull necklace/sent it to his buddies.
admittedly, the black metal part of the doc is the worse. Yeah, Euronymus is supposed to have made abunch of necklace but him and Hellhammer used to live in the same house with Dead and apparently both ate some brains with somebody else. Either way, it is not a badly researched documentary at all, he goes to pretty much all the sociologist that have made a name with subcultures and he is obviously a pretty hard core metal fan, most probably a Death Metal fan before anything else.
Haha, Mayhem is so great. DMDS is one of the worst albums I've ever heard that still manages to be entertaining. I love it.'s an absolutely terrible album musically, but somehow it all works together and is entertaining. The only really hilarious thing is the vocals on some of the songs (see: Funeral Fog)
I don't really like Mayhem or De Misteriis too much, but I find the vocals extremely fitting and very potent aesthetically. Drunken and atavistic, like a human forgetting how to speak.
Getting stoned and listening to DMDS from a powerful system or nice headphones is one of those things that makes me proud of metal.