Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster – II


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster – II
Ferret Music – F0792 – 20th March 2007
By Chris Kee


From the opening ballsy, belligerent swagger and stomp of ’Memories Of The Grove’ this is an album of driving hard rock with a jaw-breaking punch, a southern tinged groove and some spectacular choruses. Driven along by some excellent drumming, courtesy of Lee Turner, songs like ’Dry The River’ have their roots firmly in classic rock but still sound bang up to date with their rough, aggressive edge. This is the kind of music that makes me want to drink beer and get loud, just like Motörhead, AC/DC, Tank, The Almighty and Molly Hatchet – without sounding like any of them. If you want a real musical reference point then I guess C.O.C., circa Deliverance isn’t too far off the mark but all you really need to know is that this is a genuinely exciting album full of damn good songs, all with real individual character.

If I had to pick a highpoint it would be the immense ’Tale Of The Runaways’ with its soulful beginning, superb vocal performance from Dallas Taylor and glorious chorus ”…legends are made in shallow graves…” it’s fantastic stuff. Sit back, open a beer and play this album loud; by the time it finishes you’ll be itching to play it all over again.

Official Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster Website
Official Ferret Music Website