McCain: such a great choice for the US of A!

anything that is not "omg let's go to war" "guns! we love guns!" "more money for corporations, but lets pretand its for the people" is considered here a "solialist"
quite funny isn't it?

The best part of it all, if that McCain is obviously proved again and again what a hypocrate he really is,
his running mate is a fanatic idiot who believes "gay people can be converted" yet people still think: "oh yeah but its better than that guy who is a "socialist"
LOL @ Palin (in midwestern accent) "I'll try to find some and bring 'em to ya!"

Ok, if you vote for John McCain, that's not a slight against's just your choice and I respect that. But now that you know he's got an idiot for a running mate, compounded with the fact that he'll probably die or at least be put into fucking hospice before his first term's up, and people STILL will vote for the Republicans in this election? Baffling.

I could understand a whole lot more if he actually picked someone qualified to run for Vice President like Giuliani or Romney, even though I don't like either of them, they've at least got experience and know somewhat of what they're doing. But in light of this whole Palin fiasco, I just don't understand why anyone would vote Republican in this election. I guess people think that when Bush leaves office, all of a sudden, there will be no more fighting in the world and no more hurricanes.
anything that is not "omg let's go to war" "guns! we love guns!" "more money for corporations, but lets pretand its for the people" is considered here a "solialist"
quite funny isn't it?

The best part of it all, if that McCain is obviously proved again and again what a hypocrate he really is,
his running mate is a fanatic idiot who believes "gay people can be converted" yet people still think: "oh yeah but its better than that guy who is a "socialist"

Some people don't understand that there can be democracies with good social systems in place for their people, Karen, so they automatically think there are propaganda posters everywhere and people not able to run two appliances simultaneously because their electricity ration is up. But we've been here before. Ask the average Joe in the states what's the difference between socialism and communism without going to fucking Wikipedia, and they'll probably be at a loss. They don't understand the difference and people fear what they don't understand/what they've been told to fear.

I honestly think most people hear their parents talk about it and automatically adopt that point of view.
And you gotta love the kid gloves with which they're handling Palin. They won't allow her to answer any real questions by reporters because they know she's a fucking moron that has no clue about what's going on in the world.

Well, I take that back. She's qualified to deal with Putin because she can see the uninhabited, snow-covered ice shelf off the coast of Siberia from her house in Alaska.
I read John McCain is an old man, Confirm/Deny

I also heard a rumor that he was in the military. Can anyone confirm this for me? I seem to remember them speaking about him getting shot down in Vietnam, but it was only about 4,000,000,000 times and it hasn't sunk in yet.
My only problem with people who vote for McCain because somehow there is this notion that democrats will not defend the country
and once Obama is going to be president "we'll talk to terrorists"
which is BIG BS. Everyone puts the country first and wants to defend the country against terrorism...

Does anyone think McCain is putting country first by choosing Palin for his running mate?
Gimme a fucking break.
i wonder where her daughter gets it from?


anything that is not "omg let's go to war" "guns! we love guns!" "more money for corporations, but lets pretand its for the people" is considered here a "solialist"
quite funny isn't it?

umm never heard that in my life.

obama wants something like exact equality among everyone. they think everyone should be paid like wages which in essence is socialism.

same with universal health care. it may work but holy shit is it going to cost a lot in taxes.