McDonalds Documentary.

:lol: That's exactly what I would expect. I eat fast food as infrequently as possible, and when I have to, its never McDonalds. I'll go to ChickFila or something where I can identify the food I'm ingesting.
Caelestia, is that cat sticking his toungue out at me. :p vbmenu_register("postmenu_2593146", true);
I was thinking about that the other day.. if he had five or so people in good physical condition to try different fast food chains in the same fashion that he took on McDonalds. It would make for an interesting sequel-type documentary to this.
If he did that those fast food chains would go nuts trying to sue him - for what I don't know, that's what crooked trial lawyers are for, but the actual results of that study would be bound to damn some of those chains. Actually, people probably wouldn't care - people drink in excess and smoke and do drugs and everyone knows its all harmful. I sometimes eat burger king because its right next door, and i've gotta say that it can't be good for you, the meat is just nothing like what healthy beef should be, its probably loaded with soy and made from god knows what parts of a cow. Chick Fil A is acceptable to me.
Eh, it isn't news to me. You know it's trouble when something becomes very popular, McDonald's being the perfect example. Pop music, as well. :p
Funny thing is, when chain restaurants started popping up everywhere, people started eating out alot more, and there was alot of cultural fear about eating so much food prepared by strangers, or not by a family member. Turns out those fears were probably pretty well founded, though the kid flipping th eburger is probably not the culprit.
The only fast food I'll eat is In-n-Out Burger... They prepare their foods in your view, always wash their hands and put on fresh plastic gloves every time they move away from their "station"... they use 100% ground beef, and I order it without the bun... it comes wrapped in lettuice instead. Still, I try to avoid this whenever possible.

Well, I do eat Taco Bell ocassionally.. but I generally stay away from McDonalds, Burger King, Carls Jr, etc...