Md.45 2004


MD.45 The Craving (2004 Remaster)
Capitol Records
I finally gave this one good listen, then another. I wasn't much of a fan of the first, pressing with Lee Ving on vocals(?). I wasn't impressed what he had to offer to the project, though the musicianship was top notch. When I read that Megadave was gonna remaster this, then that he would actually sing on it. I was curious. First I wanted to thank, who ever lost the original tapes containing Lee's vocals, then I wanted the thank Dave for giving the curious fans a chance to hear how he would approach the tracks.
Well, I don't know if the lyrics are complete garbage to begin with, but again these tracks would make excellent instrumentals. Obviously Dave, doesn't have the pipes, then again he never really did. Let's just say he's aged & so has his voice. One thing that's a plus is some great liners, by Megadave, and three bonus cuts "Chutney" witch is basically just two lines repeated over & over, it does sound like a possibility for a future track. Though it's not listed as a demo. The next track is "Segue" which you find Dave playing some goofy cartoonish shit, it's a little amusing. The last track is actually a Megadeth track from the Countdown era, "The Creed" & it's a demo. Pretty good track, I'm wondering why this one wan't ever used, then again I'm not a musician, so what the hell do I know?!
So the verdict? Buy only if you're a Megdeth completeist or if you're curious & really need to hear this. Otherwise, look for something else like the Rust in Peace remaster...
I love MD.45...original "The Craving". I thought and still do was a great side project, and I believe Lee Ving vocals fit perfectly for the music.
IMO, no need whatsoever for a remake with Dave on vocals, and don't care for the extra tracks, the album as it is, is good enough for me.
I wish I can, that way we would still have a good Megadeth with Mustaine/Menza/Ellefson and Friedman playing like in "Rust In Piece" :(
No I'm the guy who should have kick his chair :muahaha:
Sixx, I'm glad and proud to have met you on this place. Surely you are a honest-to-God metalhead, a good thinker, a funny guy and a stronghold on UMOS.

P.S Also you have a terrible music taste
Ouch, that hurts! Sorry I was thinking more on a soft spat in the shoulder ;)

And speaking of Ving have you ever seen "Get Crazy", "Black Moon Rising" and "Clue"? The guy acts too (not very good) but especially on "Get Crazy" he stoles the show IMO.
First off, the whole "lost the vocal tapes" schtick has gotta be complete bullshit. Way too convenient of a coincidence

Hearing the new Dave-singing version of MD45 made appreciate Lee Ving's original vox a lot better. It think it's cool to hear a different take on the tunes (kinda like hearing Dio sing Paranoid with Sabbath in 1980), but the Ving versions are better IMO.