Me and my sloppy lead playing


Apr 23, 2002
I did it and did a terrible recording again. I am mainly posting this to learn what this constant pop is all about. I tried turning down the output level and drive in my PODxt and the drive on my Maxon overdrive, but that didn't remove the pops and resulted only in a worse tone. :yuk: Also comments in improving the tone are always appreciated!
The guitar is an older neckthrough BC Rich Ironbird with DiMarzio Super Distortion going into Maxon OD-808 that into PODxt and that through USB to the computer. I used Cubase SX for tracking. The lead is from Mezarkabul - for those who died alone it is not my composition. Sorry for the sloppy playing.
The popping sounds like a sample rate / word clock issue. You either need to either:

a) Make your POD XT word clock master and your sound card / IO box word clock slave or...

b) vice versa...

Sounds like you have two devices trying to be master simultaneously - which is ALWAYS a bad idea, as it will create the digital "pops" you're hearing when the clocks beat out of sync...

As for your guitar tone - try putting some more delay on it, and try to finesse each note more. Focus on your picking technique, could be a lot smoother, I can hear the pick too much. 75% of tone is technique in my opinion...
I agree I have A LOT to improve on my technique. How do I set that slave master thingie?
commandante said:
I agree I have A LOT to improve on my technique. How do I set that slave master thingie?

You need to go into wherever Cubase sets up its audio hardware, and make sure you have only one word clock master set. Your POD XT should read the word clock from your audio host device.
It can also be the USB-port that is making noises. Try to record thru the soundcard's line-in or mic-in and see if you get the same popping sound. It doesn't sound like a digital overdrive problem. I can sometimes get a popping sound if my gate is set to a very fast attack and release.
I didn't listen to the clip, but I did want to add this...

I don't use the USB for my XT Live, I go line-out into the MBox. Single analog cable, available at Radioshack for like $3 or so, it is stereo (two little plastic thingies separating the metal sleeves) and 1/8" male on both ends. Then there are little converters (1/8" -> 1/4", stereo as well) that you can buy for like $0.50 each, usually in a pack of four for about $2. Literally sounds the same to me as USB, only it's a *little* smoother IMO, as is the case with non-digital routes. I dunno, just wanted to offer that up.


P.S., or you could just mic up your cab like I do, hehe. :p