me and the internet


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so like i realized tonight that my whole internet experience revolves around a handful of sites and that soon will not be the case as i am slowly consolidating my e-mail to my webpage e-mail account and therefore won't need lycos or juno anymore. So like my whole internet experience is going to these websites:

1. the board

and occasionally looking for news on my favorite bands or some of the old message baords i used to haunt.

i think i may have reached the end of my excitement in the internet.

even with AIM i rarely take the initiative to initiate conversations as i figure i don't have much to say or contribute.

am i crazy?
yeah, i have certain circles of my own. here, of course, as well as email accounts and indieworkshop to read jake's editorials- but apart from that, i frequent for updating my stereo equipment which is an addiction of late, (for researching stuff at, and occasionally reviews of other stuff like beers i haven't tried and shopping for stuff. i need some new hangouts as my circuit is getting redundant.
Let's see, recording sites, this place, porn, news, online music stuff, porn.

Also I buy a lot of crap off the internet. Especially any music related stuff since there aren't any good stores around here.
i know this may seem weird but i have completely lost all interest in internet pornography. sure during college when everyone had fast internet connections it was the "in" thing to do but now it just seems pointless and stupid.
