Me vs. You

Who would win in the Steve DiGiorgio forum battle!?

  • J would destroy the haggard groupies!

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • The groupies would band together.. and... well, no, they'd still lose

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Ok, ok, I'll agree to shut up and leave it alone already.

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
This poll is for all the silly little bastard kids who keep coming here and asking about "who's better" every few days.

I just got over a _lovely_ quadriceps injury, in case everyone was wondering where I've been, and now I come back and see nothing but kids asking about this guy's skills being better than that guy's and so on and so forth... so, get over it.

Now, for the _REAL_ comparison.

Me: Puerto Rican/Samoan hostile savage from NY prone to explode with homocidal rampages... [ask Steve, he's seen it, it's scary =P]

You: Goofy pimple-faced adolescent with his first Squier bass, listening to way too much gossip and bullshit to enjoy music for the sake of music.

Now, not to say EVERY visitor on this lovely forum is the above stated... but, we all know who they are....

So vote! Put me in a cage with one of these goofy kids, and who'd walk out alive?

Bottom line: Get over it already, guys... seriously. Steve's great. Vic, Alex, Sean, Lars, Cliff, Tony, Myung... everybody is "super" =P.

So, leave it at that for once?

I dunno, just keep me far from Trav! Ya know how those artists are these days... =)... hide the dog!