Meaning of the name "Vintersorg"

Have to agree... Why would it be weird to pronounce it the way our language is?

Anyways.. There´s one Q I have to mr. V... I read in an interview somewhere that the name is from "the early days" and comes from the "isfolket" books ( right? ) But did you need the name as an artist name, or whas it as a nick for the early Internet days? Sounds like that could be the case actually...:)

-phyros ( been wondering a while )
Nevermind, I like Swedish, and things like these make me like it. And Swedish isn't that unpredictable concerning pronunciation like, say, French (which I really dislike).
Originally posted by Phyros
Anyways.. There´s one Q I have to mr. V... I read in an interview somewhere that the name is from "the early days" and comes from the "isfolket" books ( right? ) But did you need the name as an artist name, or whas it as a nick for the early Internet days? Sounds like that could be the case actually...:)

I also read that the name is taken from the isfolket series.
But I never had the idea it was chosen as a nickname in the first place...
_maybe_ it could have ben, we don't know till he answers himself :)

Anyhow, I kinda doubt that. Sort of. Dunno why.

Oh, and here, we pronounce it Vintersorg. With a hard, good G. The proper way :) The way of the northmen :) The norwegian way :p
I have recently realised that the German "Sorge" could and will be pronounced as "Sorje" in the area where I live, and that I pronounce it this way as well. I hate it when life turns against me. :rolleyes: