Meet the 2012 Friday Bands....

Ok, these bands are all good. But now let's get on with the PRETTY MAIDS!!!!!!!!! It's only been 10 long years that I"ve been pestering relentlessly!
I didn't know Kingcrow until the announcement - but their album is kicking my ass already. Bought it at the insider sale and spun it twice already!

Serenity... never thought Glenn would have booked them again based upon the bad past experience with them. HOPEFULLY they will be able to make it this time!

And Pretty Maids... FINALLY! :)
I recognized a picture of Solution .45 in the Roster video and immediately screamed my cheers!! I heard them on the P.A. at last year's festival, and bought the CD. Can't stop listening to it!! Can't WAIT to see them live!! My Gold Badge is abso-freakin-lutely renewed for next year!! (I'm dying to figure out how they play their songs, i.e. tuning, fretting, etc) Gonna go buy a T-shirt on their website now, cuz who knows, they may be like Freak Kitchen and not bring any merch ;) lol

Redemption will be great too! Didn't know them the 1st time they played, but they blew me away. This time will be better cuz I'll know all the songs! :D
No offense Glenn, but you are a freakin GENIUS!!!!! Only 2 PP's under my belt, but already you have exposed me to much.