Megadeth is Dead

thats a damn shame... rust in peace, megadeth... the world will miss you. i remember a couple years ago, catching anthrax, megadeth, and motley crue out in LA... playing in front of a black curtain, thrax and megadeth stole the show from motley crue, with their huge stage show and pyrotechnics and all... megadeth was one of the first metal bands i listened to, and i'll really miss them... congratulations on 20 great years.
i wonder... today there is no sign at all of that press release on the site, which is going thro some changes at the moment (ie the boards are still down etc)... maybe the site was hacked? maybe it is true? maybe it's a sales ploy? mustaine hasn't posted in a long time, which is unusual for him.... i hope it's untrue.
There was an article about it on too. :(

It sucks.
I was just sent the live double CD for my radio show and all the old stuff reminded me why I liked Megadeth in the first place. And now this. *sigh*

With all the old guard disbanding, getting sick, or dying off it's a huge reminder of the mortality of it all.
(and that I'm starting to get old)
im holding out for the rude awakening dvd, instead of the cd... yeah tho, i put on a track like in my darkest hour and realize how truly amazing megadeth was. the last couple cd's may not have been up to the earlier standard, but still were pretty damn good, and the classics they'd recorded before that will always assure them a spot in the metal pantheon... its true tho, this last year has been ... terrible for classic metal... a few years ago, it looked like things were startng up again - maiden reunion, halford solo cd, etc... and now everyone's dying, breaking up, falling apart... i guess it had to come eventually. i just count myself as lucky to have seen megadeth at least once during their fabulous career.
I don't really feel bad for the loss of Megadeth's music, as I never found it to be appealling in the least, and it's not as if Mustaine hasn't had a nice run... I do however feel bad about the shitty way in which this ended, no one likes being forced out of doing what they love. Hopefully Dave will overcome this and release one more album before riding off into the sunset.
"...and it's not as if Mustaine hasn't had a nice run. Its the first thing I think of everytime I see these messages about Megadeath. 20 YEARS! Could you imagine that? Playing and having this career with the same guys for that long? Then one day you play your arm to death and its over?

When I saw them live a few years ago, I remember I was surprised at how much like their album they sounded. I mean, there wasn't any overly extended riffs, there wasn't any added roars or screams...not much other than the sound of the crowd gave away that it was live. They were right on the money.