Megadeth.. new video on megafanclub

XeS: why would you want to watch it then?

I don't wanna be the holier-than-thou asshole here but the point being: it's a video that has a commercial purpose (providing members with value for their paid membership). Even if it costs 10.000$ per month and even if you hate Megadeth: it's still not meant to be up on youtube.

And no, I don't have a membership either (altho I really like Megadeth) and haven't seen the video ...
XeS: why would you want to watch it then?

I don't wanna be the holier-than-thou asshole here but the point being: it's a video that has a commercial purpose (providing members with value for their paid membership). Even if it costs 10.000$ per month and even if you hate Megadeth: it's still not meant to be up on youtube.

And no, I don't have a membership either (altho I really like Megadeth) and haven't seen the video ...

C'mon....take it easy.
If I'm not a megadeth's fan I could be interested in some studio footage....or not?
I'm not saying you're wrong...I had In Flames membership last year so I know how it works.
But I'm only saying that I don't buy an year membership for a video :)
"Headcrusher" sounds abso-fucking-lutely amazing! I can NOT wait to hear this album. I just came in my pants hearing that opening track. :oops:
Cool video. Just curios if anyone knows what is Andy's monitoring section?

As I believe he said he no longer uses the Control24 to monitor through.

Looking forward to the new Megadeth, judging by this peak its going to be great.
Hahaha, fucking awesome video, and Andy, thanks for nerding up on the mixing process details for those of us who are interested, cuz we definitely are!

"so you don't get too stuck on things-"


And the drums sound fucking fantastic! (as does everything else!) Remind me again what made the cut for the RH guitars on this?