Megadeth return - what a crock, for those who care


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Assuming you've heard by now that Megadeth is back? Trust me, I'm a huge Megadeth fan, but shit like this just pisses me off:

Comments from Dave Mustaine...

"I have been in the studio since January 5th, 2004, remixing 'Peace Sells, But Who's Buying', as part of a re-release campaign that Capitol Records is planning for this year. In two weeks, once the studio is finished with overdubs for what I am currently working on, I will start on 'So Far, So Good, So What'.

" 'Peace Sells' was finished last Friday, January 10th, 2004, and is now being shipped off for mastering. This is the first of the entire MEGADETH catalogue to be remixed for Capitol Records. "

Right, so when everyone was blaming the record label for coming out with all those crappy releases as Megadeth were closing up shop first time round can be dismissed now. The atrocious live album, "Rude Awakening", remastered "Killing is my Business", and the biggest cash-in I have ever seen in my life, "Still Alive...and Well" were all supposedly released without Mustaine's involvement, and he had no control whatsoever. Yeah right. So what's he doing now? Getting ready for more re-releases.

"1) Yes, I am in the studio working on MEGADETH material old and new.
2) Yes, I did contact previous MEGADETH band members Marty Friedman, Nick Menza, and David Ellefson about making a new record.
3) I was unable to accommodate Friedman and Ellefson, and sadly Nick, who was the most gracious and ready to rock, will not be playing on this new record I am doing.
4) Any talk of a reunion is wishful thinking.

Unable to accomodate Friedman? Perhaps. Unable to accomodate Dave Ellefson!!?? Don't make me laugh. And Nick Menza was very public about how much he disliked Mustaine. I think the lack of "reunion" has little to do with any decision Mustaine made - I reckon everyone else just told him to get lost.

"There was a book deal offered to me by Sanctuary three years ago to put all of my lyrics from MEGADETH into a book and to describe them. I completed that last year and submitted it to Sanctuary this year for editing and eventual release. "

Three words: Oh. my. Goat.

"But there was too much good music that was written during the MEGADETH era that was left incomplete and unreleased that I had written and I decided to assemble that music first. It is frikkin' heavy and most people that have been around are surprised it was never released.

"Regardless of being unable to come to an agreement with the ['Rust In Peace'] line-up, I am excited to say that Chris Poland is in the studio with me in Arizona, working on this new record. Vinnie Colaiuta and Jimmy Sloas played drums and bass with me on this record and I should be done somewhere around the end of March. Don't worry, they rip!

Well, at least that's hopeful. I would rather take early Megadeth rejected songs/riffs than anything they released on their last two albums. And the announcement of Chris Poland wanting back in is phenomenal I must admit.

He also goes on to comment on his personal beliefs, and if you read between the lines, he's basically admitting to being a born-again Christian, so I wonder what he thinks of his "white witch" Sister now?

Finally, did anyone else know that there is going to be a Metallica movie now??

Full Megadeth article here:
Holy shit! I have super psychic powers! An hour ago I was thinking about Megadeth, and wondering if Mustaine would reform or just continue with the planned solo release. I probably read about it last night while drunk and just forgot though. :loco:

There is no Megadeth without Ellefson as far as I'm concerned, but Chris Poland definitely rules. Mustaine has been a pretty religious dude for some time now I believe, I always assumed it was one of those "I quit heroin and now I've found goat" type of thing.

I've never listened to Megadeth and thought "oh wow, someone should put these lyrics in a book!" :Smug:
NAD said:
I've never listened to Megadeth and thought "oh wow, someone should put these lyrics in a book!" :Smug:
I've rather thought "uuugh... I'd feel much better about this song right now had they not printed the lyrics in the booklet"
There was references to born-again xtianity in an interview Mustaine did with Classic Rock about three years ago...I thought it was out in the open...
Fair enough, but has he ever specifically said it was Christianity? I know he's talked about things like "spirituality" and "prayer" for many years, but I never remember him mentioning anything about Jesus Christ being his lord and saviour. Obviously, I may just not have read enough about it though.

The other reason why I thought it might not be Christianity as such is just because of the whole family background he has with the Wicca religion. His sister, I know, is a devout follower. Again, I'm only speculating.
npearce said:
I'm getting tired of bands "returning to form".
Agreed - and that's what The World Needs a Hero was supposed to be. Instead, it could quite possibly be the lamest Megadeth album ever.

Another quote from Mustaine:

"My arm got injured when I fell asleep on it January 7th, 2002, not from the false reports that state anything to the contrary, and I was told that I would not gain full use of my arm ever again that I would be lucky if I even got 80%.

"Well, through a lot of physical therapy, and a lot of the prayer that everyone seems to be mocking me for, I am completely healed and playing better than before I got hurt, because I had to relearn to play.

He fell asleep on his arm? :lol:

And I don't hold out much hope for a new album if he's had to relearn how to play between January 7th, 2002 and now. Fuck, I reckon I could play better than him in that case! :tickled:

There's definitely something rotten in Denmark here I suspect.
JayKeeley said:
Fair enough, but has he ever specifically said it was Christianity? I know he's talked about things like "spirituality" and "prayer" for many years, but I never remember him mentioning anything about Jesus Christ being his lord and saviour. Obviously, I may just not have read enough about it though.
God point. I can't remember exactly what was said in that interview but I know he wasn't plugging God and Jesus to high heaven...I just thought that he was being tasteful and not flaunting his beliefs :loco:
Yeah now that I think of it he wasn't exactly specific in the short interview I read some years ago. He was talking about the "goat has a plan" garbage, which I normally attribute to Christianity, but could be from any number religious beliefs I suppose.
Did anyone ever see the VH-1 Special? About 80% of it was about his drug addiction. Hardly any of it touched on the history of the band or their albums, but I was surprised that he's always been doing heroin. Before that documentary, I thought he had quit the drugs before Rust in Peace, but he was doing them right up to Youthansia at least.

I bet he was loaded when he fell asleep on his arm.
Oh fuck yeah, one of the greatest metal bands of all time no doubt. And "Addicted to Chaos" was brilliant!! I loved that song, and the main riff is excellent in the way it fades in from nothing. It's got that bouncy groove thing going.

I was listening to some 'Deth on bootleg the other day, now that Gugs has 3000 bootleg shows, and this one was recorded from the soundboard in 91. You know, back in the day when even though RIP was already out (and their best album to date), they still insisted on starting each show with Wake Up Dead, and when Devil's Island was still in the set list. \m/

I sneak into my house,
it's 4 in the morning,
I had too much to drink,
said I was out with the boys...
JayKeeley said:
I was listening to some 'Deth on bootleg the other day, now that Gugs has 3000 bootleg shows, and this one was recorded from the soundboard in 91. You know, back in the day when even though RIP was already out (and their best album to date), they still insisted on starting each show with Wake Up Dead, and when Devil's Island was still in the set list. \m/
Share... share!!!!11 SHARE WITH ME PLEASE!!!!!!!! :worship:

Even though I consider RIP one of my all time favorite albums, it's pretty hard to choose between that and Peace Sells as my favorite Megadeth.
NAD said:
Share... share!!!!11 SHARE WITH ME PLEASE!!!!!!!! :worship:
Dude - I'm on it. I'm going down to Mark's house next week armed with a barrell of blank CD-Rs ready for the burning!! I'll be like gimme gimme gimme...!

Some of this bootleg stuff is so interesting. People take it really seriously, and have all this software to remaster live recordings. In other words, you can get a soundboard bootleg which somebody's remastered, and it ends up sounding like a proper live album.
Judging from his recent posts yeah, bootlegging seems like a collecting activity unto itself. That's just what I need, another hobby. :erk: :lol: