Megadeth.....still Alive.....and Well?


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
Visit site
Holy shit ppl! I've been away from the MEGADETH site for so long cuz it just sucks to go there and see "BUY THIS AND THAT! EVERYTHING MUST GO!" lol and what should i see? a new album of unreleased shit and a press release from dave saying we haven't heard the last of him and he's playing again.
tThis is the shit, they were gone way before their time, and now it looks like they might be back soon.

new album title STILL ALIVE....AND WELL? D/load the cover for a sweet wallpaper!
I wouldn't neccasirly call it "unreleased shit"... most of it is songs off "The World Needs a Hero", and a few live tracks... but I do think Megadeth will reunite soon. I just think Dave wanted a nice long break... I say we see them back together by 2004.
Originally posted by augdawg2
Wow, that sounds groovy to me! I miss Megadeth, and I would love it if they returned! :D



groovy? DAMMIT AUG, YOU'RE A STRANGE BIRD...STRANGE INDEED...... LOL J/K's unreleased live tracks...not unreleased studio. my bad.
This is good news. I hope they do make another go at it. I think a lot of it has to do with dave and his perception of success. I think he really wants to be huge. He still wants to top metallica. Even though album for album Mega puts out the better music Dave does not see the numbers and venues he wants to see.
But what do I know I'm not a psychologist or anything.
In this business, it seems like nobody ever retires for good until they die, and even then their popularity and album sales soar.

How many farewell tours have Ozzy and Kiss had?

How many more albums can the Rolling Stones possibly put out?

How many #1 albums do the Beatles still have in them?

How many times has Elvis been sighted in the last year?

Yeah, Megadeth will stick around for a while, in some incarnation. Can we hope for a tour with Anthrax in the next few years?
Originally posted by TD
KISS have only said Farewell once, and they haven't toured since mind you. Thanks, and for being your fact checker, I hope my check is in the mail.
You're the expert, so I won't refute that, but I could have sworn that at least the last two times they've come through Toronto, they've said it was their final tour, because that's why I went the first time, but it wouldn't be the first time that I've been mistaken.

As for the check, yeah, I'll put something in the mail...

Hey, all I'm saying is before you spout off, checketh the facts my man. The Who have toured since saying farewell, Ozzy and Black Sabbath as well. KISS said Farewell in 2000, wrapped up touring in April 2001, and haven't toured since. Did they play some cities twice on the Farewell tour? Yes, to some people that ruined the "farewell" concept, but the few cities they did it in were ones that they sold out real early on the first go around, and also, they played different venues when they came back (i.e. Columbus May: Polaris Amphitheatre, Columbus September: Nationwide Arena etc.) Toronto was not one of these. KISS played Skydome in 1996 on the Reunion. December 2nd 1998 on the Psycho Circus Tour, and no one said that was the Farewell Tour. On June 23rd 2000 17,000 people sold out the ACC in Toronto for KISS' final show there. Thank you and good night.
it was all hype when they announced that they were 'disbanding'. and a few months later, surprise surprise, dave says that we haven't heard the last of megadeth.
i knew this was gonna happen...
[color=#AOEOOA]Actually this is contractual. They still owed one record to Sanctuary, so they made this release.

So perhaps they'll never reunite now as they're not under any lable now. But it just leaves things open for Dave as what he wants to do.[/color]
theres only 2 songs that arent released, two live ones
the other live tracks are on RA
and the rest are off of TWNAH

they should have just put out a greatest hits as their last album in the contract. A REAL greatest hits, not that crappy capitol punishment album, cuz thats not their greatest at all
Originally posted by GregadetH
groovy? DAMMIT AUG, YOU'RE A STRANGE BIRD...STRANGE INDEED...... LOL J/K's unreleased live tracks...not unreleased studio. my bad.

Lol :lol:

Yeah, I know mang! I have so many different types of music in my collection that I've literally had people over at parties, or just at my house that have literally said "what the fuck, you have Slayer, Billy Joel, Dr. Dre, and George Clinton in your collection? Are you confused?" One of the best sayings I've(or lyrics) heard to go along with this is the song "31 flavors" by Sacred Reich(another great band by the way), that song explains me 2 the T!
It's not a long life, so why not enjoy as much as possible as your here! Honestly though, I say GROOVY mainly because of my love for the EVIL DEAD movies! Many of you may remember when Ash gets his chainsaw attached 2 his bloody stump in "Evil Dead 2" and he says "GROOVY", one of the best scenes of the series!

As a added plus, tommorrow is "Friday the 13th", so guess which horror movies I'll be watching tommorrow night? :D

I guess the best way 2 explain me is that I'm honest(usually), hard working, Evil, but with a angelic side :confused:

Sometimes I don't understand myself, but my wife says shes never meet anybody even close 2 me :D

Which is why she married me :)

Cheerz Gregadeth!

I'm a strange Dawg

Friday the 13th rulez! They always broadcast that movie on that day on our TV. Can't wait to get me some more JASON FUCKIN' VORHEES!
Originally posted by augdawg2
Lol :lol:
Honestly though, I say GROOVY mainly because of my love for the EVIL DEAD movies! Many of you may remember when Ash gets his chainsaw attached 2 his bloody stump in "Evil Dead 2" and he says "GROOVY", one of the best scenes of the series!

Cheerz Gregadeth!

I'm a strange Dawg



E.D.TRILOGY RULES! can't wait for "Fistful of Boomstick" on ps2.....