Megadeth, Sydney show!


Apr 14, 2001
Ok, its this saturday, Saturday, SATURDAY! (If you dont watch the simpsons you may not get that, but anyway) Who is going to the show? But more importantly, who wants to go with the mighty trio of ACES..COOPS and me?

Also, for all those with General Admission tickets, how does this sound......

We all meet at central station say about 1pmish and then go to newtown via train and see what the line is like out the front of the enmore, if noones there, we go find somewhere to get something to eat to kill some time, if people ARE there, we join the line immediately and tell old war stories until showtime.
Thus we ensure we will had dave,dave and al's sweat all over us because we are front row! (I cant remember the drummers name, its like musical chairs in that band)

So, whos up for that??? Everyones welcome.... Dont leave Coops and Aces to have to hang out with me by themselves, they deserve better! :)
I'll be going with a gang of chaps, including Mr Crowely, Ramsay, Lucifer and my brother.

Our plans are umm.. drink.. utopia. drink.. drink.. see megadeth.. drink.. Did I forget anything?

Im sure you'll see me. I'll be wearing a Maiden Paris t-shirt (My picture and the picture on the shirt are attached!)

I can't wait. My 9th Megadeth concert!! :grin:


Spawny, can we make it later? My plane doesn't get it until 12.15 and by the time I've made it from the airport and checked into my hotel - I may not be able to check in until after 2pm... I'll ring them tomorrow and find out. I also might have to make a detour on the way there to pick something up, I don't know yet. Do you have a mobile spawny? Give me your number and I'll give you mine and then when I get into Sydney I'll ring you and let you know what I'm doing. If I can't meet you at central station at the predetermined time then I'll make my own way to the Enmore and we'll meet up there at a certain time that we'll arrange on the phone.

Damn I hate leaving everything to the last minute.

Are you guys sticking around after the show to meet them?

Oh and the drummer's name is JJJJIIIMMMMMAAAAAUUGGHHH!!!!
Yeah later is fine coops, just give me a rough estimate on friday before you go or something, i work upstairs at central, so if you want a place to store something while you go to the concert thats cool (i have to go back up to get my stuff before i go home, plus ill have some vids for you as well), so ill give you my work number, you ring it when you get there and ill come down, easy :) I want to go to utopia as well, so if you are game to let me tag along, let me know :)

JIMMY!!! Though he probably wont sweat on us as he will be at the back of the stage.
What are the chances of meeting them after the show?

Crossy! Cool shirt, its edzilla! :lol:
That sounds good.

Meeting them after the concert should be pretty easy. From all reports if you hang around the stage door they'll come over and say hello as they leave, or if we are there early enough, as they arrive.
I thought you called me the Ed-Zilla for a second there Spawn :lol:

Coops, when I saw them in Copenhagen, we just hung around the backstage door and they came out and chatted to us. In no-one seemed to know who jimmy was.. and he was very greatful for the attention.. since most of it seemed to goto Dave Mustain.
Originally posted by ironcross
I thought you called me the Ed-Zilla for a second there Spawn :lol:

Coops, when I saw them in Copenhagen, we just hung around the backstage door and they came out and chatted to us. In no-one seemed to know who jimmy was.. and he was very greatful for the attention.. since most of it seemed to goto Dave Mustain.

:lol: I just saw that, dont know how I missed it, I didnt mean you I meant eddie, you know, cos he is tall and wrecking the city and everything :) (I know you realise that, im just pointing out the freakin obvious :) )
BTW, I laughed out loud when I read that "in da house" thing above your controversial avatar :lol:
If any of you guys read this before the gig i will be at the pub next to the Enmore theatre(i don't know it's name it is about 50metres past the theatre if you are coming from the city) from 3pm onwards.From there you will be able to just stick your head out the door of the pub and see how many headbangers are lined up out the front of the Enmore.I'll be wearing a DARK ORDER t-shirt.Anyway,i will try and look out for any of you guys!!
Ralphe ill try and drop in, im getting there about 3pm as well, ill have a look for the pub and see if i can see you in there, ill be wearing a black jumper with grey sleeves.
wish i had seen your post before the gig.I remember seeing you walk into the pub but i didn't know until now what you were going to be wearing or what you looked like.
No worries Ralphe, there was like 5 pubs in the vicinity of the Enmore, I wasnt sure which one was which so I just went and sat out the front of the theatre :)