I don't want to turn this into a "bag on Megadeth" thread or anything, but one of the bands opening for Megadeth (12 Stones) is supposedly a st8-up Christain band - I'm sorry, but "Christain metal bands" just don't belong. Hell, I don't even know if that 12 Stones band is metal! Don't get me wrong, Dave Mustain hasn't pulled a "Metallica" on our asses, BUT it's definately not Megadeth of old. IMO - there are other more important bands deserving of our attention than Megadeth. One of them of course being Testament. Some others: Exodus (Tempo will probably end up being my #1 album of the year!), Death Angel, Osmium, even Overkill (check out Killbox 13!), Slayer has kept it real, Heathen, and for shits and grains I'll throw Lamb of God in the mix. Now that I think about it - there are a shitload of bands... METAL!