
Cops go to bars to arrest drunks
Gestapo-like tactics prompt outrage, complaints among owners, citizenry

In the ongoing effort to keep public places clear of intoxicated citizens and drunk drivers, some police agencies are using a controversial tactic – going directly into bars and restaurants in order to make arrests.

Such is the situation in northern Virginia, where Fairfax County Police are targeting patrons suspected of having one too many.

"[Officers] were talking to one of the guests, then physically pulled him off the barstool," Richie Prisco, general manager at Champps bar told the Reston Times. "They were really aggressive and nasty."

According to the report, police are hauling customers outside of establishments to conduct sobriety tests, then arresting them for public drunkenness should they fail.

(emphasis mine)
wow i feel so sorry for those annoying excessively drunk people! who cares about afghanistan! this is a TOTAL MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE!