Mel Gibson


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
So by now I am sure everyone has seen all the headlines and news clips about how Mel Gibson was supposedly taped saying a bunch of nasty shit to his ex-girlfriend.

I like how
A: It's assumed he did say these things even though it hasn't been proven.
B: No one is really talking about what prompted the outburst.
C: That hundreds, if not thousands of actors/musicians/artists do/say much worse than this but do not get the same villification.

He is getting completely different treatment, guilty until proven innocent, bashing for basically nothing, etc. etc.
I am sick of the "Hate Mel Gibson" bandwagon and would readily watch any more of his movies if they continue to be as good as Edge of Darkness, Braveheart, Passion, etc.
I just don't see why the fuck anyone cares. There is no need for this shit to be clogging up news channels all day long.
I hope he really said she looked like a pig in heat.

Mel Gibson is cool to hate at the moment because he says dumb shit that everyone says when there are no black people/Jews around and he's famous. "The Passion of the Christ" was pretty good but I'm offended that it was shot in Italy - I'm no Christian, but it's just blasphemous to jerk Catholicism off SO MUCH that you film a movie about Israel/Palestine in Italy. "Braveheart" was pretty historically inaccurate but overall was one of the best movies ever.
I'm more interested in how these rants of his keep popping up,if I were him i'd be paranoid as hell.I think she's behind it all,trying to make him look like a nutter,which he may well be.I think she's gearing up to take him to the cleaners,either that or it's being used against him in their custody battle.I'd love to see how he spends his days,i'm sure Mel gives the old nose candy a touch along,he's looking pretty wild eyed these days.
On the other hand, they are people of questional moral fiber who are also talented artists. Better than PoQMF who are not talented or artistic IMO!
people of questionable moral fiber

The other thing is of course that celebrities are supposed to be "role models" for fans, so when X famous person has a rage episode or whatever it becomes a HUGE STINKING DEAL
Nah, you just hear about them more.

I disagree. I've met enough non-famous artists (who were all quite talented) to know that I couldn't completely trust them. It's not their fault; genius tends to go hand-in-hand with mental and emotional instability. I know this all sounds bad, and it sounds like I'm faulting artists for their unique talents, but I'm not. It has just been my experience that when one's mind is bustling with creativity, morality and self-restraint tends to take a back seat.
Nah. I know/have known PLENTY of insanely creative and talented people who are fine morally. The main traits I've seen with them is eccentricity and general inability to do general day to day menial tasks.
since when is William S Burroughs a man of questionable moral fiber?


completely harmless old man like Albert Fish
oh my god he even LOOKS like Albert Fish.

I always think of Hassan's Rumpus Room from "Naked Lunch" whenever stuff gets hot and heavy, with jizzing trapeze artists and strangulations and all that insane garbage that he probably actually experienced.