Melbournites - Who just saw Behemoth?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
It was pretty damn awesome. Not quite as good as the Meshuggah gig for me, but Behemoth bring their own vibe and I really dig the forceful delivery behind their music. Highlights include mostly the popular tracks for me. Shemhamforash, Black Hand Ov God, Conquer All and the mighty Slaves Shall Serve.

PS. Anyone else notice how everyone left the venue after Job For a Cowboy took to the stage? Glad to see our arrogance against scene-core shit is still good and strong :lol:
I'll be seeing them tomorrow and I absolutely can't wait. I've heard they are absolutely incredible live and I have high hopes.

Did you see what gear they were using by any chance? I guess they've just hired some dual rectos, but it'd be cool if they had roadsters. :)
Wow! Normally bands of this size only hire they're stuff...unless of course, someone in Australia has Laboga for hire? :lol:

Now I'm even more keen. I just have to get this assignment done first! :(
Pissed off I missed it Ermz. (I'm down at fucking daylesford delivering training)....yes....Daylesford... :lol:

Saw them the last two times they were here and loved every minute of it!
It was pretty damn awesome. Not quite as good as the Meshuggah gig for me, but Behemoth bring their own vibe and I really dig the forceful delivery behind their music. Highlights include mostly the popular tracks for me. Chim Chim Cher-ee, Black Hand Ov God, Conquer All and the mighty Slaves Shall Serve.

Fixed for the LULZ. But Behemoth are pretty epic live.
Haven't fully gotten into the band yet, so I wasn't sure whether I should have gone, so I ended up staying home and saving my money.
Good to hear people walked out on JFAC. Fuck that gay band, seriously. I haven't heard anything from that band that isn't completely lame uninspired drivel.