Melissa vs. Don't Break the Oath

Which album is better?

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The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Which one is better?

If you vote for the 4th option, you're gay.

I listened to Melissa last night finally and it kicks major amounts of ass, but I think I like Don't Break the Oath better..

I'll have to give that album a listen once my house gets electricity again
I like "Melissa" much better. I'm not saying "DBtO" sucks, I personally have just never been able to get into it nearly as much. I still like it 3rd best of their albums though. My personal favorite is "In The Shadows".
i've only heard melissa like twice so i can't say, but i'm surprised it's winning, i always thought "don't break the oath" was the more acclaimed of the two
I've heard Don't Break The Oath and it didn't blow me away, but really it's King's voxx that bother me, so I need to force this stuff on myself.
Haven't heard all of Melissa, but what I heard was pretty sweet.
Melissa and Oath are two are the greatest metal albums ever. For me though... Melissa wins by a micron even though I like the production on Oath more.
Don't Break the Oath is my favorite. Probably mostly because it was my first love of the band, both are pretty much equally asskicking really.
i used to like DBTO better, probably because it was the first thing I heard by the band, and at the time one of the best albums I had ever heard. Now, though I can;t be so sure. I am gonna rate them as equals for now.
Mellissa. Don't Break The Oath is my least favorite of the first 4 albums and after that do not like anything.
Don't Break the Oath is a fucking fantastic album. Stop having bad opinions.

It's really hard for me to choose between the two. I think I'll go with Don't Break the Oath since I have more of a nostalgic connection to that album.