Melodic Death Metal Track - Album Opener...Event Horizon

Sounds good to me. Guitars have some nice aggressive fizz that I usually dont like, but it's cool here. what did you use for them?
Snare could use some more reverb/roomsound
the whole drumset would benefit from some more stereo with (panning?)
something's strange about the guitars though...can't put my finger on it...maybe some strange panning/mixing the same DI's?
Sounds really good, but I keep hearing hiss... the same type of hiss one gets from not lowpassing guitars. Did you so do? Also, reaper is reporting at least +1.1 dB of clipping (sometimes up to +3.1). Also on some parts I hear some low end buildup (maybe mid-low buildup), but that's maybe my crappy speakers.

The song is sick, by the way
hey thanks for the posts guys. i'll have to check those high are not I guess I could cut those top frequencies off to eliminate hiss...if that is in fact what is causing that. Thanks for the tip dexter_prog
The panning on the drums sounds a little indistinguishable and the guitar tones are a little too muddy for me but overall it sounds good. Looking forward to hearing the final cut!