Melodic Emotional Hardcore band from San Diego, CA


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2009

Tell me what you all think of the mix! Any criticism is welcome. I feel lacking in the guitar tone. I can never get it as full as I want it to be. I have a feeling that it could be the Ampsim I'm using, and if it is, can someone please point me towards what's worked for them?

Guitars are an LTD EC-1000 run through a TSS to Poulin Lecto and Recabinet Tangerine i5 set. Bass is a DI signal processed separately as low-end and hi-end mixed in parallel with the DI signal run through a TSS to Poulin Hybrit with the Recab Tangerine set as well. Drums are Steven Slate Snare 17, Kick 10, and Qik Toms 2 and 4 with A Custom 17 and 19 inch crashes and 13" hihats, paiste 20" china (idk which exact one), Zildjian 24" crash/ride, 12" Wuhan Mini-China and 9" Zil-bell.

Thanks guys!
Hey i love the song! And the Drums are sounding awsome and pretty natrual!
but their way to loud in the mix compared to the guitars!
focus on the guitars a bit more!

What kind of samples are used in the mix?

have a great day
a narrow cut at ~4khz, a small but wide cut at 300-400hz, tubesaturation, compression, maybe an exciter (for the lowend), a limiter -> sex
I just had to listen to this to find out what "emotional" hardcore sounded like....I facepalmed.

About the mix, I agree with the others about the guitars. Other than that it sounds good.
I really like this a lot, vocals are great.
seems that the guitars need to be leveled out a little bit more.
If it was me i would mess around with the guitar tone a little, its not bad, but think it could be more fitting for the style. I feel it just needs to be just a little more aggressive.

then again i am just listening to it in some headphones right now.

But great job man, love the song.
On my monitors, the guitars sound just a little boxy, maybe a slight reduction in the 350-400hz or so could change that. I agree with Backe, I think an exciter could help the low end. Other than that, everything is sounding sick so far, Emilio.
boost the mids on the guitars (and maybe a bit of low end) and also take out some of the bass from the kick drum, its too boomy. also, as far as i can tell , the guitars are way out of tune :P
a high low split on the bass could beef up the guitar sound i think. i agree they could use mids and the drums are slightly too loud in comparison.