Melodic Hardcore/Metalcore

Thanks! and yeah Im working on the drums but im really focused on trying to get the tone on the guitars to be good and try and make it punchy
First of all, this mix is in mono. bounce it back down in stereo then we can give a more accurate assessment of what needs to be fixed. Off the bat, i would advise to replace the drums, cut back on the heavy compression, it honestly sounds painful in conjunction with the immensely scooped EQ. A mix for a song like this should have lots of midrange. Also, anywhere that does not have a waveform, cut it out. Example being the breakdown at the end. That static sound is distracting and can only make a mix worse. Like the other guy said, the song below that one sounds a lot better. The music isn't bad though, i wouldn't mind taking a stab at this one.
Thanks for all the advise dude! Do you think it sounds mono because I ran all the guitars through an fx track? Because I panned the guitars to the left an right.