Outside Is Dead.mp3
Epiphone Les Paul > Tube Screamer > 6506+ > Oversized Mesa Cab > 57
Ibanez >Trace Elliot Head and 4x10 Cab. Cant really remember what mic was used.
Snare: 50% natural, 25% Truth sample, 25% Joey Sturgis Sample
Toms : All natural with some Compression and Eq
Bass Drum: 30% Natural, 70% replaced with a Alesis D4 sample.
Vocals were recorded with an Sm58
Recorded at watchmen studios by doug white and mixed by me.
Epiphone Les Paul > Tube Screamer > 6506+ > Oversized Mesa Cab > 57
Ibanez >Trace Elliot Head and 4x10 Cab. Cant really remember what mic was used.
Snare: 50% natural, 25% Truth sample, 25% Joey Sturgis Sample
Toms : All natural with some Compression and Eq
Bass Drum: 30% Natural, 70% replaced with a Alesis D4 sample.
Vocals were recorded with an Sm58
Recorded at watchmen studios by doug white and mixed by me.