Melodic Metal - pre-production for single


Dec 13, 2009
Hey guys, I'm looking for a bit of a critique on this so far.

This mix is finished pre-pro for my bands next single called Separate.

Kick and Snare are standard Chango set with processing, Toms are slate maple set, and Cymbals are slate 3.5 too.

Guitars are Samson DI into Profire2626 into Podfarm 2.5, all distorted guitars are double tracked apart from the main lead parts in the choruses. Same for bass except for the double tracking (that didn't happen!)

Screams were recorded with an AKG D5 into profire 2626 with post processing including, EQ, compression, distortion.

Sung vocals were recorded with an SE Electronics X1 into profire 2626 with post processing including, EQ, compression, subtle chorus, distortion and reverb and delay.

As I have stated, it is only pre-pro. We are going to be using live drums for the actual release, guitars will either stay as podfarm or be re-amped if we can sort that out with some nice amps on the cheap. We will also be borrowing a couple of pre-amps, nicer DI boxes and a couple of outboard compressors and EQ's for the tracking and mixing of the final song.

Anyways, let me know what you think so far, what is good/bad? Suggestions for improvement ... ? IPS/SEPARATE MIX.mp3
I like the guitar sound you've got going, keep it.
The bass I can't comment on, as it's kinda buried in the mix.
The drums sound good, that snare is nice.

My main gripe is with those vocals.
Not only do they sound a bit too far up front, but there are some really grating frequencies in there.
I do like my vocal to be "pop" loud haha, maybe they are a tad too loud though.

Is it with the screaming or the singing with the bad frequencies? Is it all the way through, or just certain sections?

Bass is quite reasonably loud in the mix, for my stuff anyway, but I can and will revise that at some point too!

Thanks for your critique!
Well...not bad, just that I don't really like the drums sound... it doesn't sound natural during the clean have to be more creative on how to hide that "program" sounding drum haha.

This sounds more like Metalcore hahah, but who cares as long the music is good :)
Thanks for the input!

I did say that this is only the pre pro for the single and drums will be recorded properly when we do it in January. The Chango samples that were used for this have NO dynamics whatsoever anyway haha

Thanks also for the input in the genre also, we have always just thought of it as melodic metal, but it's good to have some other ideas about it thrown into the mix :)
Vocals are too dry to me (clean vocals). They need some delay/verb to sit better in my opinion, they are too up front and dry. But this sounds good even for pre pro. I love those Chango samples despite what everyone else thinks.