Melodic/Prog/Operatic/Death Vocalist looking to help anyone out...


Dec 8, 2001

I've been singing diligently for my own material as well as a few bands over the past 6 or seven years.

My main vocal influences are: Zak Stevens formerly of Savatage, Dan Swano, Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth, Warrel Dane of Nevermore, Fates Warning, Russell Allen of Symphony X, and even King Diamond and James Hetfield.

I'm by nature an alto, yet can hit most tenor notes. My preffered vocal styles are of the "clean and melodic" (mostly in the Zak Stevens vein), yet for the past year I have been practicing my death growl, and yet although not quite in the ranks of Akerfeldt, I feel as though I can certainly hold my ground.

I basically just wanted put myself out in the open for anyone who is searching for a vocalist to their songs or perhaps even some covers. I apologize for not having any samples to link to, yet I can promise you that I'm (although not yet a professional) a pretty decent vocalist who could at least help you a bit.

If your still hesitant, send me an email ( or simply post on this board, and I'll get back to you within 24 hours. I will happily send you a sample of my vocals over some of my own songs.

Thanks for the time!
You're exactly what I'm looking for! There's only one problem. You live in San Diego and I live in Los Angeles. But If you're determined, I think we can try something. My e-mail address is