Melodic rock band with label backing needs drummer, like now!

Chris Brooks
Jan 15, 2003
Sydney. Australia
A melodic rock band based in Sydney (western suburbs for most of us) with good industry connections requires a talented drummer to complete the line-up which includes guitar, bass, keyboards and vocals.

The band's ideal drummer will have a rock background but be versatile and open-minded enough to play a range of songs that fit within the band's style, which contains influences ranging from Toto, Europe, Van Halen to occasional progressive rock and metal influences. We are not trying to "bring back the 80s", but an emphasis on melody and positive energy is a big part of what we do. Each of the members has different influences but we focus on the sound of the band and it works!

If you or someone you know is a drummer that has creativity, chops, knowledge of different time signatures, good gear including double kick, transport, professional work ethic, and the ability to commit to at least helping us out for rehearsals, warm up shows and industry showcases over the next few months, we'd like to hear from you. (It will be more beneficial to anyone who can commit long term.)

The other members of the group are talented players and great to work with, so if the idea of working with us interests you and you fit the requirements above, get in touch asap!!!

The founder and songwriter of the band has major label publishing and recording label interest resulting from this. We are serious about taking hold of the opportunity and hope you will be too.

Chris Brooks