Donation Drive


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Just posting this to support my friend Andrew McNeice who runs the awesome



Thank you to everyone for showing so much support and encouragement in the last 24hrs. Lots to do...lots of plans...​

For those willing to take the time to read through this update – thank you.
I'm going to be upfront and honest about what's going on here and many other businesses around the world. I don't think it will be any great surprise to many.
A few months back I put out a call for donations and general support of the site and was extremely appreciative to those that chose to do so. As is the case with many things to do with the site, a large number of familiar faces donated and to those folks – I thank you again for your continued enthusiasm of the site.

Basically there is a huge problem with the world economy and with the household budgets of the typical melodic rock/hard rock/metal fan. Many of you (like myself) have families and kids and more pressing priorities to attend to. And when money is tight – the luxuries go. Believe me – I understand this without question. I'm in the same boat.
So the problem right now is that people just aren't buying. Period. Not like it was 5 years back at least. And each year it gets worse.
The number of people willing or able to spend what money they do have available just keeps falling. It has affected all aspects of MR business: sales on MelodicRock Records titles, MRX memberships, the last MRCD compilation (I pressed half of what I used to and still have copies to spare) and even the Fireworks Magazine Digital Download.
Of course I am not alone in this predicament. It is the same situation for all in this business - especially the great companies that advertise here and the ones that used to advertise. Not one advertiser has left MR with any complaints. It is sadly unanimous across the board that they simply cannot afford to continue advertising and in some cases have closed up shop altogether.
Every single facet of this business is under extreme duress. For me it's the same…when you add up lost advertising, lack of new business and falling on-site revenue – there's going to be a big problem.
This site is my full time job and my only source of income. I would like it to remain that way. But I am also realistic that if that cannot be achieved, I need to look at other options which would mean scaling the site back to how it used to be run – as a part time affair, or even closing and moving on. That's absolutely the last thing on my mind!

There have been a couple of comments made to me recently that the site isn't as updated as it was being done a few years back. Well, I continue do my best, but I had a bad run of health issues I'm only now coming out of, plus a good deal of my time is taken up with trying to find paying business and advertisers in this limited field. Not helping is the aging framework of the site itself. The in-development new MR site didn't go to plan there either. I lost almost a year with one failed redevelopment (something which folks also donated towards) and had to start over with a new partner. I'm happy to report that the all-new MR site is almost done and ready to test in the next couple of weeks. More about that shortly.

I am looking at any number of ways to build business in a way that won't detract from the usual expected role of the site – news, reviews, previews and other regular updates.
But right now – I just need to once more ask for the help and support of the reader base out there – both fans and musicians that would like to see things stay the way they are and get better.
I'm of course interested to hear from people what they think the site needs to do to improve. Besides the obvious of course (more news, more review, more everything…), but believe I'm working on those aspects already anyway.
The brand new site is going to do things differently than they are currently being done. That will make the job of updating so much easier and news will be added through the day rather than 1 update at the end of my usual working day. That will bring you more breaking new and current press releases as they happen.
The new design will also see the return of regular Release Dates bulletins (a new way of doing that also) and will allow more outside contributions from special guests to be added.
It will also allow FULL reader interactivity with EVERY single new review and even every news item added to the site – so the voice of the readers is being returned!
I know the Interactive Reviews was a very popular feature that's gone AWOL, but it was simply too cumbersome and outdated to maintain and was spammed into oblivion by those dang spambots. The new site fixes that.
Add to that a number of new features and full social media interactivity; I'm sure the wait will be worthwhile.

But before that happens, I need to ask for your support to keep MR going as a full time enterprise while I work on the new site and some new ideas to secure the financial viability of as it stands.

There are a number of ways you can help.

- Donate towards the site. All donations are hugely appreciated and is the easiest and most helpful way to contribute. It would be great to see some that have never donated previously to consider doing so now.


- Purchase one of the MRCD Compilations (and get ready for an AMAZING 2CD MRCD9 soon!!). They are all available in the MRR Store. MRCD4, MRCD7 and MRCD8 are all still currently available. The others will be re-released in digital form ASAP this year.

- Consider a purchase from the MelodicRock Records roster of artists (including the upcoming Rick Springfield Tribute album). This also helps support the artists directly. Sale prices still apply on most titles. Link to MRR Store.

- Join MRX - Updated almost every week with feature albums and great live shows + more previews coming of upcoming releases and miscellaneous cool stuff. More exclusive content coming and discount codes within for % off at some popular retailers. Join Now.

- Purchase a Digital Edition of any of the Fireworks Magazine Issues here.

- I will continue to go through my personal collection of CDs and items and add them to EBay, so keep an eye on that page if interested.

- Artists – get in touch if you would like to contribute to MRCD9, but space is filling up and preference is given to unreleased/rare tracks.

- Artists/Labels – Advertising: email now for prices for CD Showcase, Banner Ads and Feature Splash Pages to promote your release. Ask now!

- And of course, any general feedback or comments are always welcomed – even the negative ones. E-mail Feedback.

Thanks for taking the time to read though this today. Like I stated early on – this will be the last big donation drive I will be doing for 2012 and hopefully even longer as I hope to get business back to what it once was through the new site design and some fresh ideas.

The generosity, support and appreciation previously shown by readers is something I value immensely.
