MELVINS, the band


Oct 18, 2002
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does ayone else like this band?? i think they are great!! probably the biggest influence for many of the NOLA bands (especially eyehategod and crowbar). the MELVINS define heavy!!

if you haven't heard these guys, check out the stuff off their Gluey Porch Treatments, Ozma, and Bullhead albums!!!
Originally posted by Dionysos
isn't this the band where Mike Patton plays with?

nope. Patton is in FNM, Fantomas, Tomahawk, and a few others. although, MELVINS are on patton's label, Ipecac. Buzz (teh singer/guitarist for melvins) is in Fantomas.
@DEEK: oh I see....... that's why I thought so about Mike Patton.... thanx for the info....

I know I must check Tomahawk, Fantomas and Melvins one day... they must be quite weird.....None of my friends listen to those bands, and their CDs are very expensive (over 20 Euros) and so I'm quite hesitant to buy...
I am a HUGE fan of The Melvins and all of Pattons projects.I recommend the entire back catalogue of both artists mentioned.Easily the greatest cds in my collection.My Fav Melvins cd has still got to be Stagg.Love that cd.Still kicking myself for missing them on the tour with tool.Curse all ages gigs where you can't drink.CURSES!
What about Godflesh?Does anyone love these guy's as much as i do?Still my fav band even though they are sadly now defunct.
Techno Animal anyone?
I also like the Melvins. They have some great stuff. They are a huge influence on the heavy doom bands.

Union9: I responded to your Godflesh thread about my love for them. I haven't heard Techno Animal. Tell me about them. Is that what Justin Brodrick is going to be involved with now? That guy is an amazing musician and song writer. VERY original and innovative.
good, i'm not the only MELVINS fan!!!

Originally posted by union9
My Fav Melvins cd has still got to be Stag

I JUST WISH I COULD FIND THAT ALBUM!!!!! EVERY TIME IT'S ON eBay, IT GETS TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!!! I HATE THIS!!! out of all the out of print albums i want, it's #2!! (only behind Trouble's Manic Frustration)