Memphis May Fire - The Victim | Crits/Mastering Advice


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2014
Did this with some Stems I found (and posted for others) awhile back. This is the final mix, I'm actually quite happy with what I have and now and am open to suggestions if anyone has ideas to improve.

Now I'd like to start mastering but am kinda lost where to take off.

This image was one of Chango's mastering buss and when I saw it I was confused. Is all of that really necessary?

Right now my track obviously isn't loud enough to standard of the original track so that's one thing to start, but reverb and a multiband on a mastering bus I was lost with? Not to mention I can never seem to get a clipper to work on a master bus without it sounding like completely crap.

My experiences with a clipper so far is making it sound someone decent on my monitors but then it sounding terrible once putting on a regular pair of over ear headphones.

Either way, all of that, good or bad? Less or more? Any help is appreciated. :)

EDIT: Original song if wanted!
please change your cymblas. sorry, but they sound very awful. the rest of the mix sounds good. maybe the bass could a bit louder like the original
So from top to bottom we have :
EQ + Gate + Compressor
Multiband Compressor

That is actually not too excessive and seems pretty normal considering each plugin may not doing that much work. It seems he has multiple compressors all doing small bits of compression instead of 1 doing all the work. This sometimes gives the compression a more smoother feel when the work load is distributed evenly throughout multiple compressors. He seems to apply the same concept with clippers as well.

Besides compression and clipping, all he really has going is low end enhancement (MaxxBass) , a Widener (SI Imager) and some Reverb (Waves AudioTrack). It looks like a lot at first but once you break it down it's a lot more understandable.
Half of those plugins seem pointless. BF76? after 2 comps and a clipper?
Adding "flavour" ehh? :lol:

Most likely slams it at a high ratio as his main limiter. Doing a small bit of clipping into a limiter, into another clipper doing a bit more is great. Loudness is important after all.