Mercenary launches shirt contest


New Metal Member
Mar 12, 2003
We've set up a small shirt-design contest at our website to all you creative
metal heads out there...
Here is the text from our web site:

Would you like to design one of the next Mercenary shirts?

Mercenary has decided that one of the new shirts in our
merchandise collection has to come from one of you metal guys
or gals out there.

The shirt is meant to be one of the shirts to follow the
release of our new album, "The Hours that Remain", and it will
be sold from the website and at our concerts in the future.

Since it is an open contest, there are no real guide lines,
other than it has to show, somehow, that it's a Mercenary shirt.
Whether you use our current logo, a new logo? - or other signs or
stuff you come up with, is completely up to you.

So turn up "Soul Decision" and start creating the next Mercenary

Some of the elements we currently use on either
shirts, CDs or covers, are here to use if you need it

BUT remember we're also looking for something new and fresh to
spice up the merchandise stand so feel free to invent the new shit.

To submit your design or idea please follow the instructions on our web site

This is random, but from experience everyone loves cool T-shirts but never bothers to help design one. I hope they get alot of turn out. I wish I could design a T-shirt!