Mercury Switch - Time to Shine


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Mercury Switch – Time to Shine
Indianola Records – IND1025 – May 10th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Now this is a little more like it. Lost? Read this first, and then get back with me. Mercury Switch is another young band intent on blending emo with metalcore. Whether the odds were against them or not, they do this shtick quite well, though Time to Shine isn’t going to be a breath of fresh air for most of you readers out there.

The opening number “Valley of Vengeance” begins with hardcore sensibility, but transfers its energy into pure metalcore after the preaching is done. On “Hollow Ayes,” the second track, the blending of emo and metalcore shines due to the catchy, clean-ridden choruses. Furthermore, the use of synthesizers brings contemporaries Still Remains to the forefront of my mind. There’s also a distinct Deftones vibe floating around at certain points, as evidenced by “Struck by Lightnin’.” But, again, pure hardcore shows up in “Altered Beast” (remember that game? Ha ha.). The final cut – “The Invitation of the Reaper” – is divided into five parts, and each one of the aforementioned is given its own track, which means there are eleven songs in all.

Time to Shine features some cool artwork, and illustrates Mercury Switch’s humor in a favorable light. Individuals, who have a penchant for listening to emocore, will like this record well enough, and this CD is loads better than A Day to Remember’s. In summation, this is forty minutes of somewhat pleasurable – albeit unoriginal – music.


Official Mercury Switch Website
Official Indianola Records Website