Merry Christmas From Theocracy!

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hi Guys--
Well as I said before, I didn’t want to derail the album progress by doing another new Christmas song this year, but I wanted to at least do something for you guys. I was listening to the original Christmas Medley and thought, “Man, I really love this. Too bad the production stinks it up.” Then I thought, “Since that was done before I had an actual band, it sure would be cool to record Shawn playing drums on it and remix it…hey, that’s what I’ll do!”

Like anything, ALWAYS, it ended up being way more trouble and more time-consuming than I’d bargained for. I was shocked at how badly-recorded some of it was when I pulled up the masters (learned a lot in 3 years, I guess?), so there were certain things that had to be retracked because of either quality issues or tuning issues (or in a couple of cases, random missing files). In the end it wasn’t really that much less trouble than doing a whole new song, but hey, live and learn. And I think the end result is well worth it, because (if I may say so myself) I think it came out quite awesome!

Still making great progress on the album. This remix set me back a little, but not much, so I’m going to resume hitting it hard this weekend. I’ll try to post a video or two of my progress in the coming weeks.


Theocracy Christmas Medley 2006 Mix
Matt - this 'song' is absolutely amazing! It has to be one of the best Christmas songs I have ever heard!!


Had to come post and let you know.
Thanks & Merry Christmas!!

(ThumbGuy on CMR)
It's more than awesome, Matt! It's perfect!!! Now I wish christmas was everyday so I could listen to this masterpiece! Keep up the GREAT work, Theocracy!
Thank you, Matt! After what you said in the "New Album" thread, this was quite the unexpected treat. I think I understand why you'd want to re-work the song. This, like any other song, is a labor of love. It sounds much better, too. Shawn's drumming sounds perfect in this!

@ Webpoacher: I have the original. I'll listen to them side-by-side tomorrow.
This new mix, compared to the original, sounds punchier... much more powerful. Sounds like the overall track levels were increased by 30% or more, if I'm not mistaken. The Shawndrums, being a vast improvement of course, add to the powerful feelings in the medley.

I'm going to be playing this one more often! :headbang:
And you said you were'nt going to have another christmas song. Its sounds really good! Ever though of doing a christmas album? Heck, i'd buy it!
It sounds great! Very cool!
I like the new mix, the real drums, the even more professional production...
...and IMHO your vocals on this one have improved a lot - especially on the lower notes (really stable now)!
Congrats - I think it is worth the work!

I wish the Theocracy members and all the forum users a Merry Christmas!
Great medley mix!!! Is it being used for some sports broadcasts? Seems like I've heard parts near the beginning used in some football game advertisements. Or perhaps they're remixes of TSO stuff.
Hey guys, do you think that Theocracy do a Christmas song this year ??? :lol:
Or The new album :OMG: