Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

Dads in hospital. been there tonight . reckon almost certainly its angina, despite him never having smoked, going to gym and on low cholesterol diet. its not definate but most likely. and he will be in there til tuesday .

!!!!!!!!! so pardon me for monaing a bit but its not gonna be great. my sister is in geneva for 6 mths so its me and my mum, and a trip to the hospita\.

( but we are going to have teady bear turkey shapes for xmas dinner!! lol )
Exactly what my dad had in may MG. Ive already given you the lecture via text.

Just remember, it aint youre fault, and as cruel as it sounds... dont try to let it get you down too much, he wouldnt want that.

Im here whenver ya need me hun :) *hug*
i know what youre going through my dad was in hospital last year wuth diabetes just keep ya chin up and be strong evrythingwill be fine im gonna have to sit the whole day listening to my granparents and parents moaning about the state of the country you ever seen in 'In sickness and in health?' thats what its like

"You stupid bloody moo!" ha ha
i can hear it now

Originally posted by madgirl
I love this BB. i always say it. but just being able to talk it out somehow makes it a bit better.
three of my mates were really great lastnight, took my mind of it a bit. its nice to know everyone care, about me, and my dad.


im always around n all if u wanna fone me up or owt!!!!!!1