Merry Christmas.


Sep 22, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Well, seeing as we here in Australia get to celebrate christmas before you yanks, thought I'd be the one to start the thread. Even though you eurofags celebrate on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas. God Jul. Feliz Navidad. Frohe Weihnachten. Joyeuz Noël. Gledelig Jul. Prettige Kerstdagen. That's the extent of my multi-lingual well wishing.

May we all enjoy this time of excess with the company of our family and friends!:kickass:
I've been appointed to prepare the starting course for approx. 20 people. Should be fun. Don't know yet what I will do exactly but salmon, shrimps and whelks will be high on the list of ingredients. Yum.

For those of you who celebrate, enjoy! For the others, barrels of unconditional love regardless.
Thanks, sweetheart.

Shit. I just remembered I need to go shopping for the wife TODAY. No joke. It's been one thing after another for the past month...illness, work, grad school finals...I hope there's some stuff left at Anthropoligie
will have a shot right now. just came back from grocery shopping as we are having some big feast in our apt. freaking dead outside, thought I was in "The Road" ... covered 3 grocery stores 6 miles apart from one another in 1 hour. normally it would take me 3.