Merry Xmas


Oct 27, 2004
To all those enchanted fans all over the world....a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.

To the Band... you are the greatest, may you and your families and friends have a great time and some time to rest...


Can't wait for another life sign from InsideOut's best horse...
To all the friends I met through this wonderful band, have an Enchanted Christmas.

PS - Hey Doug, gimme a smile eh? ; )

DocProg said:
To all those enchanted fans all over the world....a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.

To the Band... you are the greatest, may you and your families and friends have a great time and some time to rest...


Can't wait for another life sign from InsideOut's best horse...
I am sure I speak for the rest of the guys in the band when I wish everyone a happy holidays!!! We are all enjoying the holidays with our families and are very excited about what 2005 will bring for Enchant. Thank you for all your support throughout the year!!

Right back at you Doc

you guys are the greatest though!

more life signs soon.......................2005 is ours!

DocProg said:
To all those enchanted fans all over the world....a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.

To the Band... you are the greatest, may you and your families and friends have a great time and some time to rest...


Can't wait for another life sign from InsideOut's best horse...
Warm Winter greetings! I hope you are all enjoying your families, your friends, and doing whatever gives you the most contentment!

My thanks to Enchant for a wonderful musical year. It was amazing--the whole Live at Last experience, and Calprog too...And it was so great to meet other prog-fans and specifically the other Enchanted!

I hope the New Year continues to bring us all together one way or another...but most definitely with an Enchant soundtrack...

Via evergreen dragon
Being a fan since 1996 (Wounded) and reading the forum since a few months it's definitely high time to join the discussion.

I'm too late for Xmas wishes, so I wish everybody in here the best for next year!

My good resolutions for next year:
- Enchant live (depends on you)
- improving my guitar playing (depends on me - as every year)