Mesa Roadking Cab


Apr 6, 2010
Hey guys i gotta few questions about my road king cab.

1. I opened up the back of it ( only half closed) and i found that on the v30 side of it it has one 16 ohm and one 8ohm v30. Is this normal or is it some stupid mistake one of the previous owners might have done?

2. Im getting an orange in a few weeks and it only has 8 and 16 ohm outputs. Im looking to rewire it from 4ohms mono to 16ohms mono. does anyone have a diagram on how to do this?

thanks a lot!
That's not good.

That cab is running at a weird ohmage. I wouldn't even plug my amp into it for fear of it blowing up the output transformer.

Replace whichever speaker doesn't match, with the same ohm rating of the other 3.
yeah i figured that was the answer. i ordered me a new 16 ohm to throw in that spot.

Anyone have any diagrams on how to wire this thing up so the mono output is 16 or 8 ohms. and the stereo outs are 16 or 8? or just the mono out?

Btw, sorry i thought i posted in equipment, just realized im in production my bad