Mesa Triple 2 ch

Hi guys, what do you think about the Mesa Triple Rectifier 2 channel?

I'm a happy 5150 user but I'm considering add the Mesa to my studio rig. Now I have the opportunity to buy one in good condition for a cool price

I understand the differences between 2 & 3 channel versions and the headroom thing in triple ones.

Quite overrated amp in my opinion. It has nice aggressive voicing like no other amp i've tried but the problem with it is that is almost always to loose sounding, so loose that even a od808 wont help. They say that the older Revisions (f,g) is tighter though.

Would take a Evh 5150 and a Jsx over it every day in the week.
2 Channel Rectos are no where near as loose as the 3 channels are...

Since you already have a 5150, a Recto would be a great compliment, and you'd cover practically every metal tone you could want between the two.
id go for it! (i have a rackto dual though not a triple but it shouldnt be too far off). Since you have a 5150, jcm800 add a recto and youre good to go :) i understand that its a love/hate relationship (iow doesnt work for everyone) but i think you should still be able to sell it if youre not happy or any other one if you find youre just using one particular head all the time

either way you know you're going to end up buying it; its called gas ;)

EDIT: unless you feel that youre priority is to start with improving another part of your chain since you already have a good amp but thats another story
Get it. I have 3 channel Recto and it's my favourite amp in the world. The 2 channel ones are supposed to be even better!