Meshuggah riffing - Pineal Gland Optics cover


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hey guys, i've been trying to make some time to cover this song for the first time and i gotta say i'm mind blown by these guys again, the playing becomes so much... like... :kickass:

Or you can hear it in soundcloud if dropbox is dead

covering this guys is very interesting!

i don't think i got the drums right, but not in terms of immitation but in terms of the general sound.. i can't tell right now what's wrong, and the only real thing is the guitar (tse808 >> lecto in orange raw mode for the "quiet" stuff and orange vintage for the noisy stuff), bass is trillian and drums are sd2.0, hope you like! critiques are very welcome
oh, forgot to say, that kind'a lead at the beggening, like the... solo on top, well maybe that's a breath controller i don't know, i did it with a ducking delay and pod distortion till the signal was flat haha, any better ideas for that? or how would you emulate a breath controller?
Drums sound awful and thin. Also they're way too loud in the mix and the toms sound really weird. Guitars sound okay I guess. Cover's not bad but I strongly dislike the mix.
Drums sound awful and thin. Also they're way too loud in the mix and the toms sound really weird. Guitars sound okay I guess. Cover's not bad but I strongly dislike the mix.

Thanks for the answer, guess i was too fixed on getting the song right, i'll put some work on that, it wasn't planned to go further as it's just a practice kind'a thing but i want to get it right either way, i'll update if there's news!
I really dig Meshuggah's kind of riffing and you nailed it good.
They are so :kickass: as you said
Over time, I tend to find that polyrhythmic riffs like these are a lot more groovy than your regular straight-ahead feel, let alone 99% of all breakdowns (just a personal thing)
Thanks a lot for the replys guys, appreciatted, now that i hear it having had a rest of it, it's a different thing...

@Ermz: I really dig this song too, and it's really fun to play, i've done the whole thing using only my ears, the tab you can find on internet has too many mistakes and it's kind'a hard to get the hang of the song so, i decided to not add any more trouble and just do what i hear. I'll turn the gtrs up and see what i can do with the drums, everything was kind'a fine but when the heavier guitar kicks in.. i feel the mix changes a lot :( well and i didn't get that heavy feeling at the end, i'll have to work in that too... that last riff is fucking powerful

@SimonTaddio: Thanks a lot man :) yeah i wanted to cover this song just for that riff in the middle (the last riff in my cover), i couldn't get it no matter how much i heard it, playing it is a different story, i was surprised it's the same rythm as the first riff :O but different notes
guitars seem out of tune here and there, not using an 8 string with the right gauges, right? ;-)

well yeah drums soundn too static, especially snare.

i would work on the bass (if there is any). listen to the alive dvd,
youll get a better impression why the warwick makes 70% of the massiveness of shuggah guitars! ;-)
I think you nailed the guitar tone, honestly.

But yeah.. Work on the drums, ESPECIALLY the toms.
Thanks for the reply's guys

@ dcb: you got me on the guitar :[ , and yeah the bass was a weird thing, the guitars kind'a did the whole job and i liked the tone too much to make the bass interfere a lot... i know it sucks and it's noobish but... i don't normally dial amazing tones T____T the heck with it i may start over again, even playing it again entirely.

@NSGUITAR: Thanks man, you know maybe i've got something else wrong with the toms, i think apart from sucking at mixing them, i've got them wrong like... badly programmed :[

i'm just back from a 3 day trip so, i'm up to keep working on this, if anything decent comes out of it, i'll share the stems, for those interested of course.